
‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: College professor gets her comeuppance when students take a stand, leads to 100% pass rate

‘I was told there were no formatting restrictions’: Students take a stand against college professor, leads to 100% pass rate

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'Oh I’m not allowed to clean up early? Have it your way': University TA schools professor over unreasonable demand

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'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

Marketing Class Group Project

'It was evident who was a contributor and who was a leech': Teacher doesn't let slackers get off scot-free in college group project fail

aita class students Professors reddit thread Reddit bullying report - 19742981

'Pretty privilege': University student mocked by the guys despite being the best in class, she gets petty revenge

Apparently submitting assignments before the due date is considered “Late”.

'A deadline is a deadline': College student gets late penalty despite turning in paper early, professor goes on power trip and refuses to reverse decision

Faked proof that I had a flat tire so that the lazy people in my group project would have to do the presentation themselves therefore likely will fail

'I got stuck with possibly the worst 3 people to be in a [group] project': One student's tire-less pursuit of petty revenge

Terrible Teacher Teachers Professors university university-students veterinarian malicious compliance

'The entire class is fed up': Veterinary students take a stand against their tyrannical teacher's unreasonable demands

My professor told me to wear a longer skirt in our class email

'I'm just feeling a bit humiliated and unfairly called out': Professor tells college student to wear a longer skirt in a class-wide email

What happens if you have questions?

Viral Tweet: Guy Discovers That His Online Professor Passed Away 3 Years Ago

Professor says research paper isn't long enough, so student gets published to history journal

Professor says research paper isn't long enough, so student gets one published to a history journal

pro revenge professor students malicious compliance revenge petty revenge Professors - 18234117

Professor Fails Students, Students Tell Dean, Dean Fails Professor

AITA for reporting my professor

Entitled Student Reports Professor for Drawing Boundaries at Work

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Teacher's No Hats Policy Meets Match In Recent Car Crash Survivor

university students malicious compliance revenge Professors - 16103429

Student Reports Professor When He Fails Her For Doing Entire Group Project Solo, Won't Respond to His Emails, Gets Fired

aita university Professors - 15353861

University Student Gives it Straight to Her Professor and Tells Him He's Delivering Bad Service to His Customers