
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Memes - 9004592896

Totally fiine.

real life meme about doing dishes at work

29 Images of Petty Office Politics That Will Make You Glad You Don't Work There

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Ben Affleck Has Seen Your Sad Affleck Memes and Isn’t Impressed

Jersey Shore memes

Jersey Shore Is Making a Comeback as an Amazing New Meme


This New Meme Is What Happens When You Copy Someone Else's Homework and End up With a Lazy Ripoff

reviews twitter 2016 list trolling Memes - 1307653

2016 Is Finally Over and the Year End Reviews Are In

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This Photoshop Battle of an Upset Mother Is Truly the Greatest Wedding Gift the Internet Could Give

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These Clever People Found a Way to Make Sure They'll Keep Their New Year's Resolutions

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People Are Going Out of Their Way to Drop Hints

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This Woman/Christmas Tree Didn't Win First Place at Her Office and the Internet Will Not Stand for It


People Who Prove That Everyone Can Be Really Dumb Sometimes

list KISS Awkward Memes - 1256709

When a Kiss Becomes Something Else Entirely, It's Time to Sing 'Mr. Brightside'

science memes

A Scientist Predicts We're Overdue for an "Extinction Level Event" and the Internet Just Cannot Wait

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Vox Chose the Worst Title for a Star Wars Review Possible and Now Everyone Else Is Parodying Them With #VoxtheMovies

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Watch the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge Breathe Animatronic Life Into the Mannequin Challenge

Someone Made a Robot That Communicates Only in Gifs