
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Jokes and memes for dads and about them | Every girls weakness: bottom half of a man in jeans and sneakers. man cheering from outside a window as a woman is getting interviewed: MY WIFE DOING ANYTHING

Dad Memes That Go Father Than Ever Before

Job interview memes that are super relatable for anyone looking for a job | tweet by Joel Jeffrey @joeljeffrey [At job interview] Interviewer: Do have police record No. But do have few their albums on cassette hires instantly

Painfully Relatable Job Interview Memes

A collection of tweets about Baby Yoda that people are using on Twitter to describe their problems in life | tweet by mrjafri someone insults and stay up all night thinking about should have responded #BabyYodaProblems

People Share Their Favorite Baby Yoda Problems

Dad jokes, puns and stupid jokes | reallyfunnyshortjokes got words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza" confused. Now hot water with Japanese mafia. flowisaconstruct didn't want like ButI did.

A Ration of Puns to Satiate Those Wordplay Cravings

Funny, relatable and sad work memes about jobs | red forman from that 70s show: someone at work asks doing today IF BIRD FLY INTO CEILING FAN. girl crying while brushing her hair: Let's get this paycheck

Work Memes For Those Of Us Who Can't Stand Our Jobs

Dumb and silly puns jokes and memes | knifenymph change does not come place comfort aquareaper3 find pennies and nickels my couch all time, so don't know are talking about

Dumb Moments and Clever Jokes That Are Technically Accurate

People's funny and creative drawings of ducks | blank page with just a duck's beak and feet on it Draw duck and share art

People's Responses to the "Draw a Duck" Prompt

Funny Tumblr moments | sarahsquarah: So this lady came this morning and walked up front desk greet us before gasping loudly and saying forgot my dog" She forgot bring her dog with her vet

A Healthy Mish-Mash of Tumblr Gems

Funny tweets and memes about dads and parenting | monkey puppet meme Mom: Stop doing But dad lets Dad. dads wait everyone else wake up so they can tell them they've been up since 6am.

Tweets and Memes to Keep Dads Going Through These Dark Times

Literally true memes, jokes, and puns | Apple planning release biggest iPhone ever 2020 NicSampson Jesus 's enormous. CASE BROKEN GLASS

Silly Puns And Clever Jokes That Are Technically Accurate

Funny metal music memes | Rob Zombie is just Hot Topic Randy Savage.  death metal fans thrash metal fans Doom metal fans Black Sabbath kicks ass.

Brutal Metal Memes That Were Maiden The Fires of Hell

Jokes and puns that are literally correct and technically not wrong.

Literal Jokes and Dumb Puns That Are Technically Accurate

People were prompted to draw ducks.

People Were Asked To Draw a Duck, and They Responded

Wholesome memes and nice moments.

Wholesome Memes And Nice Moments To Fill Up That Health Bar

witty jokes clever puns literal Memes lol dumb technically correct funny stupid - 9651205

Clever Jokes and Dumb Puns That Are Technically Not Wrong

Failed attempts, facepalms and stupid moments of failure.

Attempts That Stumbled into a Pile of Fail