
nighttime security guard almost gets fired for standing up for himself, another department loves his moxie and promotes him instead

'I was almost FIRED for doing my job!': Employee refuses to sign unfair write-up, his act of justified rebellion catches the eye of another department and gets promoted

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'I can handle an old Boomer that doesn't like my clothes': Karen delivery guy throws hateful tantrum, employee gets it all on camera and justice gets served

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'You took a week from me? I'll take a month from you': Small business gets back at client who very Karen-ly wasted their time and money

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

'I’m milking every minute to abide to your rules': Fast-food employee maliciously complies to manager's strict closing-shift rules and gets several extra hours of pay

'I’m milking every minute to abide to your rules': Fast-food employee maliciously complies to manager's strict closing-shift rules and gets several extra hours of pay

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'Instant Karma': Road rager learns a lesson after flipping off the wrong ladies in the parking lot, gets a shopping cart to the bumper and a taste of justice

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'Ban TikTok': Teen cuts off her twin brother's long hair as a prank, mom makes her get the same haircut as punishment

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‘[Karen] had to pay a little over $60k:’ Plan backfires on Karen mom suing rancher for not allowing her daughter to ride the horses on private property

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'I got over $5,000 and 6 months pay for not doing any work': Company tries to excuse unpaid wages, employee Uno Reverses them and hits them with a Draw 5k

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'Send us our $1,000 back or I'm going to have a sleepover with your parents': Airbnb ‘Super Host’ scam massively blows up in scammer's face after irate guest finds all his personal information online

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‘I had a very misogynistic boss’: 'Good 'Ol Boy' manager finally gets busted for taking credit of female employee's work thanks to the IT department

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'It was worth the laughs:' WFH employee gets laid off, so he makes sure to rack up the most expensive delivery fees for the company when returning their equipment

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'All that for a cup of soup': Karen's card gets declined so she gets her husband to yell at and rough up the young cashier, manager comes to the rescue

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'The power of Karen compels you': Brainless Karen hilariously ends up supporting metal band she hates after purchasing a ticket to silently protest from the front row (video)

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'I realized the HOA rules they were constantly referring to did not exist… Suddenly the pres resigned' : Neighbor joins HOA board just to discover it's a fraud, exposes them

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'I WANT IT FOR THIS PRICE!': Entitled Karen gets epically put in her place after grocery store manager reads word-for-word the definition of a "unit price"