

karma instant-karma justice road-rage road-rager parking-lot flipping-off public-freakout petty-revenge revenge cart shopping-cart honk honking

'Instant Karma': Road rager learns a lesson after flipping off the wrong ladies in the parking lot, gets a shopping cart to the bumper and a taste of justice

Road ragers are acting like they're not blind with rage at the slightest inconvenience and swerving wildly at the drop of a hat just because they watched Fast and Furious once. Newsflash buddy, you're driving like an absolute donkey and you're a danger to society. In this case, a road rager actually got a bit of karma after messing with a couple of sisters in a parking lot.
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tiktok viral trend parent parenting good-parenting twins daughter morals haircut justice teenagers teens drama punished punishment

'Ban TikTok': Teen cuts off her twin brother's long hair as a prank, mom makes her get the same haircut as punishment

TikTok trends are usually only going viral because some audacious teenager got footage of themselves doing something stupid, obscene, or way out of line. As a parent, trying to teach your kids between right and wrong is difficult enough, but when all your teenager wants is to get likes on their videos and social media validation, the moral high-ground starts to look pretty lame.
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farmer horse-farm Justice-served horse-farm-story karen-karma karens in the wild crazy-karen-story entitled horses farmer-justice karma karen - 20314373

‘[Karen] had to pay a little over $60k:’ Plan backfires on Karen mom suing rancher for not allowing her daughter to ride the horses on private property

The audacity of some people just feels absolutely insane. How can you be THAT delusional, running around town like you own the place? How come delusional and entitled tend to go hand in hand? A story we came across recently on Reddit really had us pondering this. On the subreddit r/EntitledPeople a person posted a story about a friend of theirs. This friend owned a farm with some rescue horses. She did not give out riding lessons because these horses have gone through trauma and are not for rid…
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workplace-story laid off r-justiceserved toxic-management Justice-served petty revenge r-pettyrevenge uno-reverso Reddit - 20099845

'I got over $5,000 and 6 months pay for not doing any work': Company tries to excuse unpaid wages, employee Uno Reverses them and hits them with a Draw 5k

What a way to go out! Imagine working in a toxic environment, but just keeping your head down and going through the motions—you need the money, after all. But then one day BAM some realizes the full toxicity of the company and you finally get the justice you deserved. Well, that is exactly what happened to this guy on Reddit. User @Ha-Funny-Boy posted to the subreddit r/pettyrevenge , however we think this is more like a justice served situation. The poster said that he had agreed to a salary-e…
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viral videos scammer-caught satisfying-justice millennials Justice-served Airbnb-scam petty revenge Airbnb epic-justice gen z funny-revenge - 20107525

'Send us our $1,000 back or I'm going to have a sleepover with your parents': Airbnb ‘Super Host’ scam massively blows up in scammer's face after irate guest finds all his personal information online

When traveling, it's always a little nerve-racking planning ahead. You may have done everything you were supposed to do in a very organized fashion, but sometimes life has different plans for you and you have to improvise. Though a very popular choice, Airbnb can be risky when finding a place to stay because it's just regular ole' folks hosting people for some extra bucks—it's not a legit hotel. But sometimes the price is worth the risk… SOMETIMES. Recently, a video went viral of a girl going O…
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IT-employee employee misogyny-in-the-workplace Justice-served petty revenge fighting-misogyny women-supporting-women workplace it department - 20052229

‘I had a very misogynistic boss’: 'Good 'Ol Boy' manager finally gets busted for taking credit of female employee's work thanks to the IT department

The work culture might be changing these days in a more positive direction, at least in work edict. However, it still has a very long way to go and even when you just think back to the early ‘00s, we were still dealing with some pretty serious injustices in the workplace. For example, how women employees were treated. Harassment aside, they also just weren’t taken seriously. It was extremely unfair and usually ended up with many females quitting or just never getting the justice they deserved.…
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fired workplace-story malicious compliance Justice-served revenge-fail workplace funny-revenge Reddit - 20017157

'It was worth the laughs:' WFH employee gets laid off, so he makes sure to rack up the most expensive delivery fees for the company when returning their equipment

What a time to be alive, are we right? We get to work from home and then when we get fired at home, we have to send back the things the job had sent us to use for work. Is it worse to get fired while working from home since it's not in person? That's an entirely different discussion. In the mean time, we have people finding creative ways to stick-it to their toxic bosses even though they don't see them face-to-face. For example, one guy told Reddit that when he was laid off from his WFH job the…
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failblog reddit-review Justice-served petty revenge Reddit karen - 19959045

'All that for a cup of soup': Karen's card gets declined so she gets her husband to yell at and rough up the young cashier, manager comes to the rescue

Sometimes people do things in real life that are just so mind-blowingly bonkers that it makes you question all of humanity. How did you get to here? What did the world do to this person to turn them into this monster? This… Karen. Ahhh yes, the notorious Karen in the wild. A Karen alone is already enough to make you want to punch a wall, but add a Karen husband partnered with them and you want to run through a wall. That's what happened to one person who used to work at Panera—she posted the st…
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karens funny-metal-show metalheads metal music Justice-served brainless-karen Reddit metal-karen - 19960325

'The power of Karen compels you': Brainless Karen hilariously ends up supporting metal band she hates after purchasing a ticket to silently protest from the front row (video)

We have not stopped laughing from this video. Wow, Karens can be SO brainless . If their childish tantrums didn't already prove to you that not much is going on up in their head, then this situation will solidify it. A metal band was playing a show and a Karen bought a ticket to the show just so she could stand in the front row shaking her head disapprovingly and holding her arms up as a cross towards them… LOL Not only did she just support the band by giving them her money when she bought a ti…
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ftheHOA hoa justice Justice-served petty revenge Horrible-HOA toxic-hoa karma - 19851525

'I realized the HOA rules they were constantly referring to did not exist… Suddenly the pres resigned' : Neighbor joins HOA board just to discover it's a fraud, exposes them

HOAs are loved or hated—there is no in between. That's because, you either live somewhere with an HOA who doesn't fine you for stupid things like your grass is a tad overgrown or your curtains are the wrong color and they use your HOA dues for things like a neighborhood block party and up-keeping the shared areas. However, many HOA boards, instead, get all entitled Karen boomer on their neighborhood and will literally fine you for something petty like talking too loudly in your own home. Recent…
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failblog karen-manager epic-manager retail Justice-served karen-karma petty karens in the wild Reddit working retail funny karens-suck karma karen karen-story - 19799557

'I WANT IT FOR THIS PRICE!': Entitled Karen gets epically put in her place after grocery store manager reads word-for-word the definition of a "unit price"

It's not easy working in customer service and don't let anyone trick into thinking it is. The actual work is not hard, anyone can learn it. But dealing with the customers… That takes skill! Especially when it comes to dealing with entitled Karen customers . This is the kind of customer who marches into the place like they are the king or queen or rules over it and then asks for the impossible and throws a tantrum when they can't get it. For example, a person on Reddit shared a story of an entit…
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funny prank karma-served satisfying-justice alex-biron prankster Justice-served lol hilarious-prank prank karens in the wild prank-phonecall Karen-gets-pranked karma karen - 19765765

Viral Prankster Sells 'How's My Driving?' Bumper Stickers with His Own Phone Number and Personally Takes the Karen Calls, Hilarity Ensues

Wow. Bravo! This was just *chef's kiss*! Sure, it sounds like this Karen lady is crying at the end, but like, who does what she did? Why would you call and complain because you were late and a car in front of you was going a little slow. Like, lady… Come on. The only time you call those “How's My Driving?” bumper stickers is if the driver was actually putting someone in danger. Like, they were visibly intoxicated or like driving the wrong way down the highway. Not if they made you late to you s…
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How-to-get-rid-of-your-HOA hoa ending-your-HOA Justice-served Horrible-HOA megalomaniac toxic-hoa HOA-laws HOA-bylaws Reddit Dissolving-your-HOA - 19665413

'Come to order to discuss what? The HOA meeting is over because there is no more HOA—we just dissolved it': Megalomaniac HOA's longstanding power-drunk reign comes to an end when angry neighbors discover a loophole

If you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, then you know it comes with a big ‘ole governing book of laws and bylaws, etc. If you have a healthy HOA that actually helps your community and the neighbored is happy with them, then maybe you’ve never even had to glance at this book. Or maybe, like many people, you have a toxic HOA that's abusive of their leadership role and drunk on power . The kind of HOA that will ticket you for personal reason and hide it under the guise of an HOA infraction.…
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epic-karma karen-neighbor revenge Justice-served neighbor-from-hell petty revenge worst-neighbor karens in the wild natural-revenge toxic-neighbor toxic-landlord karma karen - 19581189

Squirrels helps get revenge on Karen neighbor: 'This whole event caused her to toss the entire roast she had been making [ ] out the window'

Nothing like nature taking its natural course and weeding out the evil ones. This story below is a perfect example of humanity and nature coming together to annoy the evil ones aka Karens. Yes, even nature hates Karens. The story begins inside a simple city apartment. The Karen neighbor is on the top floor and the squirrel allies are below her. This particular Karen neighbor has many instances where she throws tantrums and treats everyone below her like… well, like they are beneath her, if you…
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‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

If you don't believe in karma, you've got another thing coming… You can't just jump jobs burning bridges every time because those people you left in your chaos will come back to haunt you. Blue collar workers in trade know that has a GD fact. Recently, a construction worker took to Reddit to share their own satisfying story where they got to serve their very own piping hot plate of karma to a toxic ex-coworker. So this guy worked at a construction company and was fine until they brought one of…
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hostest rubs entitlement back in Karen customers face and refuses to help them unless they talk to her like an actual human being

'I'm not helping people who can't use their words': Server Sees Usual Entitled Karen Couple Try to Seat Themselves at Dirty Table, Cleans and Sits Every Other Table Around Them

The service industry is somehow a lure for the most entitled and Karen people in the world. If you have ever worked in a restaurant, cafe, hotel, or anything like that then you know. There is always that one customer who thinks that your job means you have to do everything they say and they will throw a tantrum if you do not let them walk all over you. One server recently shared on Reddit how they were able to take a couple of Karen customers and show them how a basic restaurant works. Basicall…
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