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Boss tries to steal PTO from their employees, but gets pwned when one hairstylist returns from a 10-day vacation in Italy with lawyers in tow: ‘No way, no how’

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Update: 'I told her she is not going anywhere': Uncooperative traveler refuses to end trip early, then demands to be taken to Hawaii

Americans who visited Europe, what was your biggest WTF moment?

'Coffee shop in Salzburg that said "serving you since 1472"': 30 People share their strangest experiences traveling abroad

30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

30 Memes about Italy for cannoli connoisseurs and spaghetti stans

'There's no law regulating what qualifies as 1 vs 2 or 3 star [review]': Upset customer ignites feud with a leather store over negative online review

'There's no law regulating what qualifies as 1 vs 2 or 3 star [review]': Upset customer ignites feud with a leather store over negative online review

A funny Tumblr post about a hilariously misunderstood, good natured dude named Vinny.

Tumblr Thread: The Tragically Misunderstood Nice Guy Named Vinny

cute video of toddlers arguing in italian

Toddlers Arguing In Italian

Tumblr thread on how Coronavirus lockdown in Italy ignited a debate about pasta | sedfierisentio most hilarious part italians' reaction coronavirus/covid19 has been them stockpiling EVERY SINGLE type pasta except PENNE LISCE Someone explain please want knowwww aphony-cree Penne lische is smooth and doesn't hold sauce way penne rigate does grooves make more sauce adhere

Tumblr Thread: Coronavirus Lockdown Ignites Pasta Debate In Italy

Brit living in Italy during Coronavirus lockdown talks some sense about the results | As Brit living Italy, here are some things need know: Our supermarkets HAVE STAYED OPEN. They are on slightly reduced hours and have queue get yes s ball-ache) but they are OPEN. EVERY DAY. Deliveries continue arrive so fucks sake, shop like NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS!

Brit Living In Italy Talks Some Sense About Coronavirus

Twitter thread breaks down the progression of Italy's Coronavirus experience | Yano @JasonYanowitz If still hanging with friends, going restaurants/bars, and acting like this isn't big deal, get shit together following thread is taken an Italian citizen. As they put rest world have no idea 's coming." As think everybody knows, Italy is on quarantine because coronavirus outbreak. This situation is bad, but 's worse is seeing rest world behaving as if isn't going happen them know thinking because

Twitter Thread: Italy's Coronavirus Experience

italians in lockdown sing from their balconies

People In Italy Respond To Coronavirus Lockdown With Music

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World War II As a Facebook Conversation Actually Makes It WAY Easier To Understand

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Watch an Angry Italian Keeper Give Sportsmanship the Finger by Slapping The Sh*t Out Of A Referee

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An Italian Has Answers to All of Buzzfeed's Stupid Questions About Italians and Italy

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Summer Starts Early for This Deer in Italy That Got Trapped in a Pool

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This Italian Soccer Player Celebrates a Bit Differently From the Rest of Us

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