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‘I [said] $200 per hour… minimum 4 hours’: Senior admin quits after denied a raise, company can't function without him and has to agree to 5x his initial salary

It's not always easy to take the high road, but when it comes to your career, it's important to choose that path. Like I said, it's not easy, but if you don't you could ruin your whole career. Sure, it would be way more satisfying to burn some bridges and tell all those incompetent coworkers and upper management off, but you just have to walk away and hope for better thing. Sometimes, however, your high road still leads to a satisfying ending. For example, the reddit post this senior admin comm…
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‘I had been sleeping in the office’: Software administrator rescues company's data from hackers, only gets $625 and is offered a below-market raise, so he quits

‘I had been sleeping in the office working nonstop’: Software administrator rescues company's data, only gets $625 and a below-market raise, so he quits

Too often do employees give company's their 100%, only to get the company's 1% in return. It really sours your view on job searching. You want to find the job of your dreams and make a fulfilling career out of it, but if they people running it are just using and abusing you, then it might be time to move on to big and better things. That's exactly what this software administrator did, as explained in their two-parter Reddit post. Their initial post was from several years ago, when they were fir…
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