

ftheHOA hoa justice Justice-served petty revenge Horrible-HOA toxic-hoa karma - 19851525

'I realized the HOA rules they were constantly referring to did not exist… Suddenly the pres resigned' : Neighbor joins HOA board just to discover it's a fraud, exposes them

HOAs are loved or hated—there is no in between. That's because, you either live somewhere with an HOA who doesn't fine you for stupid things like your grass is a tad overgrown or your curtains are the wrong color and they use your HOA dues for things like a neighborhood block party and up-keeping the shared areas. However, many HOA boards, instead, get all entitled Karen boomer on their neighborhood and will literally fine you for something petty like talking too loudly in your own home. Recent…
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How-to-get-rid-of-your-HOA hoa ending-your-HOA Justice-served Horrible-HOA megalomaniac toxic-hoa HOA-laws HOA-bylaws Reddit Dissolving-your-HOA - 19665413

'Come to order to discuss what? The HOA meeting is over because there is no more HOA—we just dissolved it': Megalomaniac HOA's longstanding power-drunk reign comes to an end when angry neighbors discover a loophole

If you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, then you know it comes with a big ‘ole governing book of laws and bylaws, etc. If you have a healthy HOA that actually helps your community and the neighbored is happy with them, then maybe you’ve never even had to glance at this book. Or maybe, like many people, you have a toxic HOA that's abusive of their leadership role and drunk on power . The kind of HOA that will ticket you for personal reason and hide it under the guise of an HOA infraction.…
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