
'Someone just sawed through our Internet cable': 20 major inconveniences that ruined people's days

'Someone just sawed through our Internet cable': 20 major inconveniences that ruined people's weeks

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

30+ Funny but Scary Cake Fails That Prove Baking Isn’t For Everyone

‘I did not indulge her insanity. So she quit’: 15 times coworkers, neighbors, and roommates let their enemies make colossal mistakes 

‘I did not indulge her insanity. So she quit’: 15 times coworkers, neighbors, and roommates let their enemies make colossal mistakes 

'No texting your ex after 2am': 20+ funny chalkboard signs outside of pubs and restaurants

'No texting your ex after 2am': 20+ funny chalkboard signs outside of pubs and restaurants

'I love you, but I really want a Tyrannosaurus': 20+ ridiculous things sleep talkers said, according to their partners

'I love you, but I really want a Tyrannosaurus': 20+ ridiculous things sleep talkers said, according to their partners

'When people start randomly talking to you at work': 25+ people's pettiest pet peeves

'When people start randomly talking to you at work': 25+ people's pettiest pet peeves

'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

'That'll be $120 please': 15+ barbers and hairdressers who messed up their customers' hair and tried to hide it

'It was a nightmare living situation': College student averts $500 fine by sparring with roommate, malicious compliance ensues

'It was a nightmare living situation': College student averts $500 fine by sparring with roommate, malicious compliance ensues

Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Month (January 25, 2024)

'Water pipe burst [...] and soaked ALL of the spare toilet paper': 15+ cruise ship fiascos passengers never found out about

'Water pipe burst [...] and soaked ALL of the spare toilet paper': 15+ cruise ship fiascos passengers never found out about

'Dipped a Kit Kat in tikka masala': 20 bizarre food combinations people swear are delicious

'Dipped a Kit Kat in tikka masala': 20 bizarre food combinations people swear are delicious

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'I'm gonna bring the food back': Food delivery woman refuses to give customer his food because the drive took too long

'You love me? You don't know anything about me!': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (January 12, 2024)

'You love me? You don't know anything about me!': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (January 12, 2024)

'You should not drink fountain drinks': 20+ restaurant secrets from servers and kitchen workers

'You should not drink fountain drinks': 20+ restaurant secrets from servers and kitchen workers