
Funny but Sadly Relatable-Meme Dump to Lift Your Grumpy Mood

Funny but Sadly Relatable Meme-Dump to Lift Your Grumpy Mood

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20 Nostalgic College Memes and Fails For Forever Procrastinators

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

‘I said I'll report them for insurance fraud; they refunded me straight away': HOA hires towing company to ensure ‘aesthetic’ parking, towing company mess with wrong resident, leading to resident destroying them both

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20+ Classic April Fools Day Pranks and Fails

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'I accidentally sent her a message about her': 20 cringe embarrassing fails in front of your crush

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

'I got fired for speaking up': Tyrannical boss fires employee for protesting working conditions, employee reports boss to DOL, boss gets fired and closes shop

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

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10+ Top Tinder Moments of the Week (March 29, 2022)

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week for Feisty Firecrackers

Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week for Feisty Firecrackers

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

"You there! Stop right there." : 2 Karens throw fit of rage after failed attempt to leave store without paying on account of watchful employee

"You! Stop right there." : 2 Karens throw fit of rage after failed attempt to leave store without paying on account of watchful employee

'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Customer refuses to pay full amount for rubbish collection, cue petty revenge

'I unloaded all the rubbish right back on to his driveway' : Contractor takes petty revenge on entitled customer in breach of price agreement

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'Go away': The life of an introvert as told by 25+ memes and fails