

'A dog would never do this': 25+ Animals who were bad to the bone before their owners caught them on camera

'A dog would never do this': 25+ Animals who were bad to the bone before their owners caught them on camera

It's a good thing animals are so cute , because these little dudes have been extra naughty! These people below caught their cats, dogs, and other assorted animals being especially bad. My heart goes out to the person who caught their cat only after the kitty had shredded each roll of toilet paper in the house. All the cat knows is that the TP makes a great scratching post — who cares if it's anyone else's property? In addition, I have a bone to pick with the pup who ate the entire pizza . That'…
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'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500

'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500

Breakups quickly get messy when a property is involved, and such was the case for this young couple who spent $700k on a house they shared. Initially, the woman paid a significant amount more than the man as she was extremely wealthy, and when they broke up she decided to buy him out. He thought that was fair, as there was no way he was gonna come up with hundreds of thousands of dollars. He originally thought he had 30% equity, but as it turned out, he actually had 33.3%. It doesn't sound like…
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‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Neighbor gets his comeuppance when resident plants bamboo to overrun LED security light

‘I picked the HOA bylaws apart’ : Resident plants bamboo to overrun Neighbor’s bright LED security light

HOAs waste a lot of energy on ensuring all residents have permits for their plants, rose shrubs are trimmed correctly, and trampolines in backyards are painted in the right color. Some HOAs even enforce an overnight guest fee (put your welcome mats away). They love to interfere when interference is not needed but keep their nosy face knobs away when a resident actually has an issue that is worth looking into. In this case, a Texas resident who we'll call OP was enjoying suburban life until one…
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gym, gym fail, workout, workout fail, work out, gym work out, outfit, leggings, tights, crop top, fail, personal trainer, training, lifting, lift, workout, fails, relatable, public freakout, dress code

'I want to wear what I feel cute and comfortable in': Female Personal Trainer Kicked Out of a Judgy Gym for an Alleged Dress-Code Violation

I thought this was a free country
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FAILS plants Memes tweets funny earth - 20208645

30 Plant Memes and Fails for Earth Day

If there’s one living thing to pay attention to this Earth Day, let it be your long-suffering, much-neglected plant. You know, that thing sitting on the windowsill in your living room? It was probably a housewarming gift from your Aunt or something when you first moved into that apartment all those eons ago. Well, that plant has feelings too, and it probably also needs some water. Unless, of course, it’s a succulent, which we don’t doubt since your Aunt probably didn’t trust you to be responsib…
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'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

Do you wanna build a snowman?
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FAILS me irl job relatable work Memes tweets Reddit funny dating - 20191237

Top Trending 'Me IRL' Fails of the Week (April 21, 2023)

Sometimes, you come across a meme that is so you it's as if you're being watched. Keep scrolling below for these top trending relatable ‘me IRL’ fails!
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Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Understaffed, underpaid, over it
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FAILS landlord email tenant scam reddit thread Reddit apartment - 20173829

'Rent increase mid-lease': Landlord tries to trick tenant, tenant disputes and wins

Proving your landlord wrong is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As we all know, the rental market is ruthless right now, and this apartment manager tried to take advantage of their tenants as a result. What they didn't realize was that this one tenant was thorough and precise about what they signed in their initial agreement. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/Apartmentliving subreddit by u/Mundane_Tension369 , and let the original poster's email correspondence serve as evidence that you too…
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'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

Karma always seems to find a way, whether it's directly through a person you wrong, or in a roundabout kind of way that is a little less obvious. One man took to r/pettyrevenge to share the time his cheating ex-wife got her car repossessed and towed by a credit company that had been attempting to locate her for quite some time. He had married her young after she had gotten pregnant, and she had continuously cheated on him, to the point where he filed for divorce. In the divorce, she had asked f…
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'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

When karma comes in the form of an email, office ears light up everywhere, as we all know what it feels like when you have solid, indisputable hard facts in the form of a digital piece of paper. An entitled employee was attempting to throw his coworker (OP) under the bus, emailing him about a contract that hadn't gotten out to a customer, and was way overdue. 6 months overdue, in fact. The entitled employee in question was an account manager, and OP worked in the contracting department. When OP…
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FAILS entitled parents askreddit parenting reddit thread Reddit funny Parenting FAILS - 20133893

‘What screams bad parenting?’: 20+ hot takes on what not to do when you have kids

There are infinite ways to parent a child, which means there are also infinite mistakes to be made.
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'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

New managers tend to make the same, common mistake of entering a workplace and attempting to prove themselves by ‘bettering the environment’, usually by changing policies that actually work. What then follows is a string of mistakes that either cost the company good employees, a lot of money, or the ‘environment’. In this case, a small AV company that dealt with thousands of NEC displays a year hired a new general manager who had absolutely no idea what he was doing, per usual. The employee in…
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20+ Top Starter Packs That Embody Social Memes

20+ Top Starter Packs That Embody Social Memes

A collection of stereotypes to make factual fun of people
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FAILS workplace-stories jobs work stories work askreddit Reddit interview funny - 20121605

'I once worked as a professional bubble wrap popper': 20+ unusual jobs you don't see every day

It's not like a regular job, it's a cool job.
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'I Don't Care': Top Unpopular Opinions for The Crowd With A Spicy, Sturdy Sense Of Self

'I Don't Care': Top Unpopular Opinions for The Crowd With A Spicy, Sturdy Sense Of Self

Enter at your own risk
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