
Top 26 Witty Shower Thoughts of the Week

Top 26 Witty Shower Thoughts of the Week

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

Top 20+ Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

20+ Funny Office Pranks To Pull On Annoying Coworkers

20+ Funny Office Pranks To Pull On Annoying Coworkers

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

25 Strange Subway Sightings

25 Strange Subway Sightings

'I covered his whole house in glitter': Woman gets glitter-infused revenge after discovering her ex was cheating

'I covered his whole house in glitter': Woman gets glitter-infused payback after discovering her ex was cheating

'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

Top Hilarious Reasons People Gave for Quitting Their Jobs

Top Hilarious Reasons People Gave for Quitting Their Jobs

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

‘I took her promotion; then I got her fired': Employee gets boss's promotion, prevents her from getting promoted, then gets her fired

‘I took her promotion; then I got her fired': Employee gets boss's promotion, prevents her from getting promoted, then gets her fired

25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

'Forget you're never loved': 25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 31 Unpopular Opinions of the Week

‘Here's your electricity bill, then': Landlord pays thousands in electricity after IT business owner gets even with him for refusing to pay $400 in HVAC building maintenance

‘Here's your electricity bill, then': Landlord pays thousands in electricity after IT business owner gets even with him for refusing to pay $400 in HVAC building maintenance