

wedding, destination wedding, fail, fails, love, friends, family, relationships, weddings, wedding inspiration, travel, travel inspiration, tropical, vacation, expensive, money, elite

Angry Wedding Guest Sparks Debate in the Comments, Ending Friendships With People Who Throw Expensive Destination Weddings

$8000 is a lot of money for a vacation I didn't plan for
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FAILS cringey FAIL cringe sad cringe cringe pics funny fails cringeworthy fail-photo - 18153733

30+ Moments of Mind-Melting Cringe From People Who Failed to Exercise Proper Judgement

What a horrible day to have eyes. It's no secret that we, as human beings, are all very different from one another and that individuality and identity defines the true beauty of mankind. Our ability to innovate and try new things makes us unique in this world and has ensured our success as a species, but it has also put us squarely on a path toward our own destruction. For every brilliant idea the human race puts forth, dozens should have never existed. For every amazing place we have ventured…
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AITA for exposing a friend's lie to his parents

'He saw my score and asked if we could swap tests': Bad friend exposes lie after student fails a test

This is not the cheating scandal this Redditor clearly thinks it is!
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Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
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elon musk, elon, musk, tesla, russia, ukraine, invasion, politics, geopolitical, polisci, political science, fail, twitter, tweet, drama, dumb russian, russians, putin, news

Elon Musk Supports Russia's Invasion of the Ukraine With Outdated Evidence, Gets Called Out By Experts and Enraged Commenters

Survey data from 10 years ago isn't exactly relevant
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

The wild wild West
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babysitter needed asap | I need someone to watch my 4 kids

'This job pays $200 a week': Hilarious viral babysitter ad requires a Master's Degree among other insane things

There's nothing that guarantees failure like setting unrealistic expectations. Anytime you expect too much of anything you're dooming yourself to be unhappy with whatever the outcome is.
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Top Tinder Moments

Top 10 Tinder Moments of the Week (September 29, 2022)

Welcome to this week's ‘Top Tinder Moments’, a collection of some of the hottest trending images from the wild world of online dating this week.
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Woman expects coworker to give her free PTO days, lashes out when rejected.

Woman Expects Coworker To Give Her Free PTO Days, Lashes Out When Rejected

Just a tad bit unreasonable.
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aita relationship relationships FAILS dating fails FAIL dating - 17896709

'What's for dinner tonight b*tch?': Boyfriend's attempt at terrible TikTok trend results in 'saucy' real-life breakup

It's always important to remember that you shouldn't try everything you see on the internet. If I had blindly tried everything I had seen online, without a doubt, I'd be all alone inhabiting a prison cell somewhere. It's just a good idea to take everything you see online or in real life with a grain of salt, and you shouldn't need a disclaimer stamped on everything to realize this. Well, this guy would probably jump off a bridge if you told him to, and, after a solid session doom-scrolling TikT…
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car, cars, car show, epic, cool, sports car, rally car, car rally, cars and coffee, lamborghini, bugati, bmw, range rover, mclaren, custom car, cardboard, funny, poor, rich, im poor, fail, hilarious

Epic Poor Man Rolls Up to a Luxury Car Rally in a Custom Cardboard Sports Car

For me, it's the plastic chair
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

So bad we can't look away
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FAIL insane karen entitled entitlement idiots Reddit text messages texting choosing beggar entitled people - 17848069

10 Top Entitled Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Some people think that they should have the world handed to them on a silver platter, they want to work for nothing and take everything. This collection of entitled “Choosing Beggars” comprises some of the top posts shared to the Reddit community of the same name. On Reddit's r/choosingbeggars subreddit, users post screenshots of entitled beggars that they have encountered online. People who have demanded a whole lot for nothing or very little in return. Sometimes users will share stories of ex…
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FAILS FAIL failbook wellthatsucks funny fails funny - 17805573

10 Trending Tragic Moments That Went Terribly Wrong and Made People Say 'Well, That Sucks'

Yes, I know I know, I can already see the comments. “What is this? Actual Fails on Fail Blog?”
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tesla, elon musk, ceo, fail, autopilot, self-driving, software, fails, crash, car crash, dummy, demolition, cars, news, breaking, teslas, electric cars, future, crazy, wow, yikes, video

'Tesla self-driving software is the worst I've ever seen': Autopilot Tesla's are Absolutely Demolishing Child-Sized Mannequins

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entitled choosing beggar insane entitlement FAIL text messages idiots texting Reddit karen entitled people - 17781765

10 Infuriatingly Entitled 'Choosing Beggars' Who Demanded Everything For Nothing

"These idiots made the world their big stupid oyster."
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