

grandma leaves her last 700 dollars to mooch aunt, but it gets paid out in 10 dollar intallments

Grandma Leaves Life Savings To Mooch Aunt, Gets Paid Out In $10 Installments

Take it all. Slowly.
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things people thought before a close call

The Last Thoughts People Had When They Believed They Were About To Die

It's a spectrum.
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terrible horrible wtf toxic Death cringe nice guys relationships dating - 16071941

Shameless Unhinged Nice Guy Tries To Shoot His Shot At Recent Widow

Dear sweet lord. It shouldn't be that difficult for anyone to see that maybe it's a little gauche to aggressively hit on grieving people? In what world, universe, or reality was this dude even expecting with his tasteless, tactless passes at a person who's obviously going through so much? It's sufficiently creepy to have to accept that people like this exist, and what's worse is that they're not even all that uncommon. For some more jaw-dropping lowness, here are some women who dated toxic nice…
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Kid's dad passes away, kid discovers dad's notebook, and then a feels trip ensues. | Like, Anonymous 1 hour ago 46515536 1474820705804.jpg (23.3 KB, 242x206) 1 REPLY ears Rain, Sco0 >Born year 1993 >Mother abandoned at birth >22 year old father abandons all his dreams raises alone >times are tough as fuck as he has juggle work and whenever he has free time play vidya together move old nintendo and shit WoW raiding and so on

Kid's Dad Passes Away, Kid Discovers His Notebook, Feels Trip Ensues

Right in the feels.
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Mortician on dating app gets a lot of puns from one person | As comedian am very much resisting urge make so many deaths puns right now. Must mean like Oh my god no let rip love hearing jokes about So is why on hinge? Cause think romance is dead should let stay night and practice while sleep. Might get stiff though 5"10, Im glad my height doesn't matter since like 6 feet under. Since are pandemic don't come on date with if are coffin If wanna impress need urn These puns dont get better they only

Mortician on Dating App Gets Slammed With Puns

That premise is getting done to death.
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Tumblr thread about death good being a good guy | mikkeneko concept death god is actually surprisingly supportive and on side good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies will lead kingdom growing and thriving instead being destroyed, because more kingdom grows more people there are, and more people there are more people will eventually die, and an immortal god death know there's no need rush get them all end mikkeneko like responses on this post are cleanly split between "hey this is gr

Tumblr Thread: A Death God that's Not a Bad Guy

Paging Hades and Terry Pratchett...
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An emotional post about enjoying your time alive | r/GetMotivated Posted by u/mylasttie true wolf 4y 79 S 1 [Text] Soon will be gone forever, but 's okay as long as someone reads this Health Fitness am only 24 years old, yet have actually already chosen my last tie s one will wear on my funeral few months now may not match my suit, but think 's perfect occasion.

Emotional Post About Enjoying Your Time On Earth

Too many feels.
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Twitter thread with a story about how strangers come to all be part of same social circle | sixthformpoet @sixthformpoet ONE My dad died. Classic start funny story. He buried small village Sussex really close my dad so visited his grave lot still do DON'T WORRY GETS FUNNIER

Twitter Thread: Love Story Is Strange, Wholesome, And Dark

True or not, what a ride.
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Person guilty over cat's death receives touching answer.

Person's Question About Grief over Losing Cat Turns Into Touching Feels Trip

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askreddit, drama, family, sad, emotional, death

17 AskReddit Users Share The Things They Don't Talk About In Their Family

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childhood memories things that used to be okay but are considered unsafe today

70s and 80s Kids Share Childhood Moments That Would Not Be Okay Today

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funny signs

27 Spooky Signs That Are Scarier than They Had to Be

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The Heartbreaking Odds of 20 Different Things Happening to You

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funny signs

25 Signs That Are Scarier Than They Need to Be

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24 Unbelievably Bonkers Moments from History That Actually Happened

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brave people who went into creepy scary places

13 Brave Souls Share The Creepiest Places They've Ever Been

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