
The finest cats on the internet. Here you can has cats, their cheeseburgers, and everything to do with the glorious feline persuasion. Whether you adore them from afar or have assembled your own army to assert world dominance, you will definitely appreciate these hilarious cat jokes puns and memes.

funny cat shaming

Bad Cats Who Were Shamed For Their Terrible Crimes

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Amazing Pet Finder Names That Definitely Kind of Work

scammer claims to have found cat, gets trolled.

Scammer Claims To Have Found Missing Cat, Gets Trolled

Husband confesses to swapping his wife's cat while they were dating

Guilty Husband Confesses to Swapping His Oblivious Wife’s Cat For A Better-Behaved Doppelgänger

cruel girlfriend throws cat on street, boyfriend kicks her out

Girlfriend Moves In And Kicks Out Cat, Boyfriend Kicks Out Girlfriend

funny tumblr thread where a Vulcan gets a cat

Tumblr Thread: A Vulcan Gets a Cat

A funny Tumblr post about a dad who pretends to hate cats, but actually loves them.

Tumblr Story: Dad Pretends To Hate Cat, The Truth Comes Out

funny reviews for weird creepy Garfield toy

The Reviews Are In For This Demonic Garfield Plush

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Cat Moonwalks With The Best Of Them

WoW wtf saved stadium Cats - 107398145

Stadium Cat Hangs In There, Falls, Makes It

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Cat Gets Loose In Yankee Stadium, Crowd Loses It

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Man Pretends To Be Unruly Cat For Vet Training Video

Funny post about a neighbor's cat communicating across the street through the window.

Friendly Cat Brings Neighbors Together

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Crow Taunts Cats, Gets Them To Turn On Each Other

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Cat Interrupts CBS Newscast To Chase A Fly

pet drama people witness

Intriguing Pet Drama People Have Witnessed