

Bride asks if she was in the wrong for letting husband's family skip vegan wedding

Carnivore Family Member Refuses To Attend Vegan Wedding, Bride Consults Reddit

Come on now.
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Karen assumes that an obvious dad works at grocery store, and learns otherwise.

Florida Karen Assumes Dad Works At Grocery Store, Reality Check Ensues

Karens gonna Karen.
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Blursed images that are both cursed and blessed | a whole unpeeled banana squeezed into standing upright in the slot of a suggestions box

Blursed Images That Are Cursed And Blessed

Delightful and twisted all at once.
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People describe their worst nightmare neighbor conflict tales. | GaryBuseyWithRabies 12h My house is one few has driveway. Everyone else used on street parking few neighbors like park their cars front my house snows so town plows will get front their house plows leave an extra five feet snow front my driveway. They also park directly across my driveway so 's even harder get out.

People's Worst Nightmare Neighbor Conflict Stories

Some neighbors have zero chill.
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dirty Christmas fails

Christmas Failures That Were Unintentionally Naughty

Ho ho ho.
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Twitter users describe their most nightmarish work experiences.

Twitter Thread: People's Work Horror Stories

Hopefully none of these ring a bell.
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Boss tells their lab manager to alter lab inventory reports and it completely backfires. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Gemini0420 Alter inventory reports so don't have explain things M Back 2016 took over as Lab Manager previous guy running Lab as well as boss were golden children and could do no wrong. Later found out they were omitting all kinds information on monthly reports make numbers look good.

Boss Tells Lab Manager To Alter Inventory Reports, Completely Backfires

A bad idea will bring a bad result.
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Guy claims that he builds computers for a living, and then proceeds to completely destroy his cheap name brand computer.

Guy "Builds Computers" For A Living, Completely Destroys Cheap Computer

That's an oops.
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A collection of the most ridiculous reasons that adults threw temper tantrums. | fermenttodothat 2d My dad started yelling at self checkout because kept telling him put things back bagging area.

Most Ridiculous Reasons Adults Threw Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums can happen to the best of us.
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An entitled influencer thinks that exposure is equivalent to payment. | Hey manager messaging earlier telling were looking hand drawn portrait? yeah can start cos need this ASAP

Entitled "Influencer" Thinks Exposure's Payment

Nope, that's not how it works.
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embarrassing awkward stories people witnessed

Painfully Embarrassing Moments People Witnessed

That's rough.
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Dude's security question ends up resulting in a very awkward moment with a customer service representative.

Dude's Security Question Results In Awkward Moment With Customer Service

A humbling moment, for sure.
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rich people being out of touch

Twitter Users Describe Their Encounters With Rich People Being Wildly Out Of Touch

Good idea, let's go to Paris.
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A Karen customer insists on being wildly unreasonable, and then ends up getting her rightful comeuppance.

Karen Customer Insists On Being Totally Unreasonable, Pays The Price

Karen should've just played nice.
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A collection of highly questionable design fails.

Highly Questionable Design Fails

Upside down world vibes.
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The crazy kinds of things that people's neighbors did to be labelled the "crazy neighbors."

People's Craziest Neighbor Stories

Hopefully none of these people ring any bells.
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