

Woman Humiliated By Gym Staff When They Post a "A Sports Bra Is NOT a Shirt" Sign All Over The Gym Just Targeting Her| thumbnail text - woman, please wear a shirt when working out! a sports bra is not a shirt.

Woman Personally Targeted By Hypocritical Gym Staff When They Post a "A Sports Bra Is NOT a Shirt" Sign All Over The Gym

And a gym is not a fashion show
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High Schooler Inserts Famous Porn Star Images In School Project, Putting Teacher In An Extremely Dicey Position | Doctor, delivery driver, man

Courageous High Schooler Inserts Famous Porn Star Images In School Project, Putting Teacher In An Extremely Dicey Position

The comment section whole-heartedly agrees that this kid is going places.
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cursed images

Cursed Images To Not Feel So Good About

Thanks, I hate it.
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people who ran into someone who rejected them

People Who Later Ran Into The Person Who Rejected Them

Some episodes of life have a part 2.
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customer service FAIL retail customers cringe Awkward ridiculous - 14903557

Hopeless Times Customers Were Total Waking Nightmares

Seriously, get it together guys.
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texts from exes

Texts From Exes And Their Respective Complex Perspectives

It's reflective of the sexes.
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People describe the dumbest reasons that they ever got dumped.

Dumbest Reasons People Got Dumped

Some bullets were definitely dodged.
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A collection of funny moments from various people on Twitter.

Twitter Gems Tweeted From Twitter's Twitterrific Tweeters

Every now and again the Tweeters deliver.
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People describe the absolute dumbest reasons that companies ever ended up firing them.

The Stupidest Reasons Companies Fired People

These folks are far better off.
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A collection of the worst adult temper tantrums that people have ever witnessed.

Worst Adult Temper Tantrums People Witnessed

Working retail is no small feat.
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people share their dirty secrets

Strangers Share Their Dirty, Shameful And Juicy Little Secrets

Everyone has something.
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A customer believes that her computer never needs to be charged, and then tech support intervenes to clear up the matter.

Customer Believes Computer Never Needs To Be Charged, Tech Support Intervenes

That would be pretty cool.
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A collection of giveaways that people are clearly pretending to be rich people.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

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A collection of times that real life boss fight moments occurred in the world. | tool IKEA uses put their stores together | learned today about time guy brought 2222- card yugioh deck national tournament demonstrate why game needed deck size limit

Times Real Life Boss Fight Moments Occurred

Some people just take it from 0 to 100.
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jokes relatable Awkward Memes lol silly introverts funny - 16101125

Introvert Memes That Are As Gratifying As Cancelled Plans

Introversion isn't necessarily a fear of or disdain for people. In fact most introverts like people. Specifically 3 to 4 people. And the rest of everyone? Yeah the rest aren't exactly so great. So here are some memes for the introverts to look at while they're nervously putting off having to respond to a very standard work email. It's good to know there's other introverts out there, so hopefully these give you the strength to order a pizza by phone.
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A collection of cringeworthy moments that haunt people to this day.

Cringe Moments That Haunt People To This Day

The cringe is strong with these memories.
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