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'Raising a family of 5 on a single income': 27 Modern Luxuries That Were Pretty Standard Back in the 90s

Do any of y'all have a pension?
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'He was entering that entire subdivision... as "Do Not Deliver"': HOA tips so badly on pizza order that manager calls them to complain

'He was entering that entire subdivision... as "Do Not Deliver"': HOA tips so badly on pizza order that manager calls them to complain

If you've ever wondered what you could do to make a pizza parlor blacklist you, check out this story. I know what you're thinking: what do you mean you can get blacklisted by a pizza place? Aren't they supposed to deliver to wherever you tell them to when you place your order? I was surprised to learn that they can and will ban people from ever ordering again. I thought that was something managers reserved for teenagers who prank call them with giant pizza orders sent to addresses that don't ex…
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'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

We're glad the internet exists, but before that, we spent a lot more time in libraries. Even today's kids still hang out at libraries , in case you were wondering. It's lovely to see parents reading to their kids, librarians hosting story hours for toddlers who won't sit still, and families checking out a dozen books for them and the kiddos. Some things never change. The library-going experience for today's kids is usually about fun, though. Most kids will never have to worry about going to the…
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Nostalgic Reddit Thread: A Trip Down Memory Lane When Things Were Wicked Cool In The Good Old Days

Nostalgic Reddit Thread: A Trip Down Memory Lane When Things Were Wicked Cool In The Good Old Days

They ain't wrong.
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POV: when the songs you sang as a teenager hit a little harder"

Millennial realizes her favorite throwback song hits differently now!

Have you ever heard one of those songs from middle school as an adult and all of a sudden, it all just feels a bit too close to home?
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people's ages in non-numerical fashion

People Dating Themselves Without Stating Their Actual Age

Those were the days.
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nostalgic snacks from the 90s and 2000s | fruitopia 20-oz plastic bottle beverage non-carbonated. utintegration weis.ce | ORIG CLERRT ALTOIDS CURIOUSLY STRONG MANGO SOURS PRESS

Nostalgic Snacks from the 90s and 00s

Our teeth were never the same.
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Tumblr explains the early 2000s phenomonon of losing "The Game." | rainnecassidy If old enough remember just lost Game. raggedyanndy

Tumblr Explains The Origins of Losing The Game

Streak broken.
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Burger King Ad for green products for ooze campaign in 2001.

Old Burger King "Ooze" Ad is As 2000s as It Gets

The Ska's the limit.
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Twitter thread describes pop punk bands using quotes from John Mulaney in the 2000s | Yikes On Bikes TM @ayrbee PRESENT MY VERY SMALL AUDIENCE. POP PUNK BANDS 2000S AS JOHN MULANEY QUOTES THREAD.

Twitter Thread: Pop Punk Bands Of The 2000s As John Mulaney Quotes

Pretty accurate.
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Trends and popular fads that were quickly forgotten.

Huge Trends That Everyone Just Kinda Forgot About

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nostalgic tweet about finding out school is cancelled

21 Nostalgic Tweets and Images That Will Turn Your Blood to Nickelodeon Goo

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