Sketchy Santas

Look Into My Eyes

boy creepy fake beard girl glasses smile - 4245070848
Created by zooxeez
funny mall naughty santa Video - 12228097

I Think We've Found Our New Mascot

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Santas Gonna Slackline

awesome black santa - 4227033600

I'm Going To Bicycle Kick My Way Out!

boy crying fake beard glasses - 4243980544
Created by Unknown

Do You See This Guy?!

creepy crying funny look girl scary throne - 4242592768
Created by Amy Donahue

I Don't Even Want To Know

gross scary - 4202361856
Created by DeviSlator

Santa's A Little Hungry

boy crying glasses scary throne - 4202976512
Created by racjomar
awesome FTW Video - 12188417

B-Boy Santa Sneak Attack

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Good Thing He Has a Diaper On!

baby boy fake beard funny look glasses - 4238685440

Take Me Back MOOOOM!

crying girl glasses mall throne - 4238132224
Created by Unknown

Stocking Stuffer! [BONUS]

Image 4243961344

Santa Claus-ome!

awesome FTW - 4242878464

Don't Worry, She's 'armless

creepy scary weird wtf - 4238273792
Created by Unknown

And They Wonder Why I Drink!

alcohol drunk santa - 4236134400
Created by Fauxpaws
awesome FTW multiple santas santa Video - 12142593


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It's Cooler Than A Sleigh

awesome - 4227929600
Created by toribug92