Sketchy Santas
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Merry Christmas From Cyriak!

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No Commercialism, Only Festivus

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Herp Derp Derp Christmas Herp Derp

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Via Mel Roach

The Face of Terror

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Created by Unknown

Don't Wait Until the 25th For Your Punishment

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Well Fine, This Party Just Got a Lot Worse

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Well, It's Kind of Like Coal, Right?

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Too Much Makeup

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We Understand If You Become a Grinch

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Created by Cyberkedi

Mr. Mountain Claus

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Created by Cyberkedi

Speak, And Tell Santa of Your Wishes and Desires

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Created by Unknown

Don't Hulk Out on Us, Santa!

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Created by Unknown

Looking A Little Toothy There...

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Created by christinafeiler
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I WUB WUB WUB Christmas

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Nope, Later!

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Created by Unknown
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Low Budget, High Profit Christmas

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