
Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sun, please don't give me a massive sunburn and make it impossible to sit. That funky ball of gas and fire that keeps us from becoming human popsicles is a hilarious source of entertainment. So sit back, and watch your tan (or sunburn) spread with the Sun's scintillating jokes and puns.

habitable sun science earth - 7809813760

We're Running Out of Time

sun Saturn funny space earth Cassini - 7683628800

The Sun And Earth From Saturn

calvin and hobbes, and his father's wisdom

Parents Can Be Terrible Teachers

solar flare Astronomy star sun science - 6938338560

Right Through the Solar Flare

sun solar system science engine earth videos - 58308865

The Engine That Is Earth

sun comic - 7074821888

Everyone Wants the D

Astronomy moon rage comic seriously sun voting-page - 5813450496

Better Get My Moonglasses

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