School of Fail

School of FAIL

Cops Are So Wacky

prank School of FAIL college police - 8029474816

This Kid Is Smart

drugs high school weed funny g rated School of FAIL - 8472322816
Created by tamaleknight

So Began the X-Birds

that poor, poor adapted bird.
Via Ms Mediocracy

The Merriam-Webster Word of the Year Is: Science

2013 funny science g rated School of FAIL - 7936441856

Remember When

funny google g rated School of FAIL - 7842280704

Literature to Scare Your Children

scary literature edgar allen poe kids funny g rated School of FAIL - 8414779648
Via Josiah Killam

You Can't Resist the Resistor

engineering science funny g rated School of FAIL - 8266304512
Via Unearthed Comics

What Did You Do at 15?

kid cancer science g rated School of FAIL - 7055576576
Via Wild Cat 2030

Why Teach Music

Music true study funny g rated School of FAIL - 7997416704

Not Sure How That's Relevant, But Sure Why Not

School of FAIL - 6108044544

That's One Boring Test

Boring test put student to sleep
Via Miss Chicken

Failbook: Why Does School Exist? I Present Exhibit A...

high school school School of FAIL categoryimage categoryvoting-page - 6618092032
Created by Unknown
vikings sci show science School of FAIL - 48669185


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It's Spelled Engeni... DAMMIT

english math engineer g rated School of FAIL - 6954358784

Things You Learn About Your Halloween Candy

candy bugs wtf eww science funny halloween School of FAIL - 7859416064

Apparently College Degrees Don't Get You Everything

degree fancy cars funny g rated School of FAIL - 8421429248
Via Don Eliado