School of Fail


Scumbag Newton Needed Something to Do

calculus isaac newton - 5997990912

Adding and Subtracting is HARD

arithmetic calculus math - 6509208320

But It Looks Kinda Naughty

calculus numbers math funny - 7437785856

Will do Calculus for Food

jobs comics calculus science - 7381491200
Via theodd1sout

Can it, Newton.

calculus Gravity isaac newton math - 6178914048
Via Spiked Math

That's Putting a Lot of Faith in Yourself

calculus - 5989152512

Especially Calculus

easy calculus doing it wrong math - 6879848448

This is Supposed to Be a Break!

fire drill calculus school - 8314848512
Via Pozpenguin

Calculus in Crayon

calculus math - 7401228032
Via tbernielvl

Easier Now?

calculus math - 6954621184

The Problem WIth Math Tests

calculus ridiculous math funny g rated School of FAIL - 8369233408
Via superp0s
gangsta song calculus math funny - 52735233

Calculus Is Gangsta

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ACTUALLY... I'm Not Good at Anything

alphabet calculus spelling math - 7135426816
Created by Unknown
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Here's Some Frozen Calculus

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That's Why I Took Advanced Calculus

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May 1st is a Veritable Bloodbath of War of Destruction

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Via Reddit
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