
Here to take a dump? Toilet jokes, memes ,and everything in between will provide you with hours of mirth while you snicker behind your hand. So whether your humor is already as dirty as the flush handle, or you're looking to expand outwards, this hilarious toilet humor will have you chuckling in no time.

gifs toilet comic - 6741660672

You Can Dance, You Can Dance, Everybody Take Off Your Pants

costume Image nun smoking toilet - 5935639552

I Have That Issue Of Nintendo Power

purse bathroom toilet - 7795308800

Keeping Them Clean and Classy

Image necklace street toilet - 5094883328

Porcelain Bling

hair toilet Rage Comics - 7111268608

How Do You Doo?

america Image merica toilet - 6516783360

America: Perhaps We Have TOO Much Freedom

poop toilet blanket - 7751961088

Genius in the Minds of Babes

toilet - 7779486208

When Child Carriers Get Too Complicated