Poorly Dressed


Gaga, What Inspires You?

lady gaga signs - 7340830464

For Party Schools, Sure

lingerie school signs - 6150258432

Just What I Came Here For

ugly sweaters signs thrift store - 6981324544
thrift shop list signs Macklemore poorly dressed g rated - 68357

Thanks Macklemore

View List

Pondering This Question Will Heel Your Sole

shoes pun signs feet - 7803436288

What Did You Say About My Shoes?!

shoes signs clever poorly dressed g rated - 7405198592

You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood

signs poorly dressed g rated funny - 7384156416

You Had One Job

Outlet store - boys 8-20

One Bright Side to Cold Weather

pants signs poorly dressed - 8028123392

Socks, For Your Torso

fashion FAIL signs socks - 7957647104
Created by jsfh2014 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

No Sag Zone

stores saggy pants signs poorly dressed g rated - 7345331968

Least Necessary Sign Ever

signs dress poorly dressed g rated funny - 7435706112
Via Pinterest, You Are Drunk

Is George Costanza the Pioneer of Hipster Fashion?

fashion signs george costanza seinfeld poorly dressed g rated - 8009265408