Poorly Dressed

poorly dressed

I Do What I Want

flip flops poorly dressed - 8330446080
Via Izismile

Our Neighbor to the...North?

Canada poorly dressed - 8070506240

Not All Ugly Sweaters Are Christmas-Themed

poorly dressed sweater camouflage - 8394665728
Via skatermario3

The Toe Rings Really Class Up This Look

toenails poorly dressed - 8037766912

I'm Putin on My Sweater Right Now

poorly dressed sweater Vladimir Putin g rated - 8380563200
Via theCHIVE

A Kid Takes On a Classic

baseball FAIL hat poorly dressed - 8259758848
Via Dr-_-Quincy

I Give These Socks My Seal of Approval

poorly dressed socks cute - 8436373504
Via Cute Dose

For the Person Who Always Has to Be in the Spotlight

fashion poorly dressed - 8042528000

A helpful guide in case you were struggling with your work attire

clothes fashion g rated Hall of Fame leggings poorly dressed tights - 5562951936

Look at All the Cute Bunnies!

poorly dressed watch rabbit bunny - 8266294784
Via Izismile

I've Been Workin' on the Railroad

gloves monday thru friday poorly dressed tan lines g rated - 8356604672
Via akrondor

A Onesie For Two

onesie poorly dressed sushi g rated - 8386864896
Via Izismile

Backpacks Have Come a Long Way

poorly dressed backpack - 8413904128
Via Pangolin

Fits Like a Treat!

toes shoes too small poorly dressed - 7671861504
Via English Russia

Sage Advice

poorly dressed label t shirts g rated - 8074030848

Looks Nice, But Does it Provide Any Support?

bra body hair poorly dressed shaving chest hair selfie - 8279814144
Via Izismile

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