Poorly Dressed


No One Misses Summer Fashion As Much As This Guy

fashion summer watermelon food g rated poorly dressed - 7961731584

Great, Now I'm Hungry

costume poorly dressed food - 8377719552
Via alan13446

A Dress Fit for Willy Wonka

fashion chocolate DIY food dress poorly dressed - 7946564096
Via designtaxi

When This Teen Found a Cute Potato in the Grocery Store, She Did What We'd All Do

teen finds cute potato at store and befriends it
Via Roberta Bernardo

Finally, That Giant, Wearable Burrito Body Pillow We've Been Waiting For

Via Laughing Squid

Is That a Flavor-Sweater for Turkey?

cooking food Turkey twitter - 7929332736

Tacos Now Come in a Snapback

fashion food hat tacos - 7969924864
Via trilldad

Your Suit, Immortalized, in Cake Form

cake classy food stripes suit - 6061329920

Finally, an Ugly Christmas Sweater You Wouldn't Mind Being Seen With

cookies food christmas sweater poorly dressed g rated - 7913765376

This Master of the Grill Doesn't Monkey Around

costume masks monkey food - 7872419072
Created by kf6vzu

How Do You Even Eat?

colors eyebrows food piercings pink wtf - 4380706816
Created by dr. Pepper

Ron Swanson Approves This Fashion Line

fashion food breakfast - 7890993920

How to Enhance Your Nutiritioin and Bulge Size

fashion food underwear - 7831639040

Yes, Barber, I'd Like the Dessert Look

hair totally looks like food - 8300091136
Via Acid Cow


bread clothes food model - 4175148032
Created by christellar

She Could Feed an Entire Country with Her Weave

ramen food weave poorly dressed - 7753405184