Poorly Dressed

Why Oh Why Would You Put the Eyes There?

rainbow brite funny - 7592678912
Via missmarilynmonroe
fashion face wtf Video yoga - 57723137

Say Hello to Face Yoga, and Good-Bye to Those Saggy Cheeks

View Video

The Red Carpet Treatment

shoes red carpet aziz ansari - 6952771072

Everybody Loves a Panda in the Snow, Right?

panda poorly dressed snow hat - 8037804800

It's Morphin' Time!

power rangers - 6551824384

Star Wars: Sweded

cosplay star wars jabba the hutt Princess Leia - 7061860096

Who Wore it Better?

uniforms soccer - 7256365056

Your Pants Don't Need You Anymore

jeans pants poorly dressed g rated - 8247672576
Via Ch11rcH

Even Elves Have Style

boots cowboy boots skinny jeans - 4401756160

Agh Her Eyes! My Eyes! Her Eyes!

eyes hair piercings red - 5015659264

Flamingo Hat? Check! Light-Up Banjo? Check!

darth vader poorly dressed pbr - 8160106496
Via The Chive

Show Both Sides of Your Personality at Once

hair haircut poorly dressed - 8153959424
Via chudibap

Nirvana? They're So Underground, Maybe You Haven't Heard of Them

glasses hat hipster mustache nirvana sideburns - 5008879872

Too Much Eyeliner Leads to Confusion

eww lipstick make up wtf - 4297068544
Created by dresslikeanazi

When Traveling, Always Dress in Layers

shorts layers poorly dressed airport Travel - 8111535360
Via Google

They May Not Be the Socks You Need...

poorly dressed socks batman win g rated - 8190208512
Via Izismile

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