Parenting Fails


Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.

Social Life? What's That?

kids text parenting g rated - 7844720896

Oh, "Laptop". That's Your Problem Right There!

computer laptop Parenting Fail parents phone text - 5274076416

So That's Where They Pick These Things Up!

kids text parenting - 7258053888
Created by Capiche
drinking text - 56729859

Mom Needs that Rejuvenating Spirit

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TMI, Mom

text TMI moms parenting - 7998747648
Created by profLoL

All in the Family

dad gay iphone lesbian text - 6279394304

Not that Hard to Decipher that Emoticon

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Parents, Now You Can Speak Teenager

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Funny text messages from concerned parents to their kids | nic @nicananti Replying rfarawi_ At least she greeted first. Yesterday 12:10 AM Hey can stay out till 12mid night. Are street girl. Come home immediately. iMessage 1:59 PM 7/26/20 Twitter iPhone

20+ Times Overbearing Parents Took Their Concern to Amusing Heights

Chill, mom and dad.
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Can You Call Me to Make Sure Though?

FAIL text technology parenting - 8814535424
Via Dragonogon

Family Sing-a-Long: Text Edition

spice girls kids text parenting mom - 8072022016

Family Affair

iphone mom text - 6233468928

That's a Lot of Work for a Bad Joke

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Created by karajo19

Tables Turned

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A Wake-Up Call From Mom

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Created by SkyViper10 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Like Mother, Like Son...

kids parenting text - 7899379456
Created by SquirrelRacer49

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