Parenting Fails

Parenting Fail

Dress Your Child as Your Vices

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Just a Few Carry-On Bags

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Somehow the Two Events Must be Related...

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Via reddit

There's Durex and Trojan, Right Over There

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But Hey, He's not Doing Drugs!

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Put Your Ear There, You Can Hear the Ocean!

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See all captions Created by jzygorodimos

Thus the Zombie Outbreak Begins

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Via Sofa Pizza

Parenting WIN: That Baby is Going for the Shield Generators!

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The Water is Never Safe. It is Adorable, However!

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Via I Hate My Parents

Elmo is Way Too Happy for this Occasion

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Desperate? Maybe. But Awesome Incentive.

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A Little Late for Halloween, But Who Says No to That?

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Fine,You Won't GET an Overpriced Souvenier

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True Facts, From Drugged Mother

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Public Parenting News: Almost Worthy of an Oedipal Eye-Gouging

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Via Arbroath

Parenting Win: Turn Your Baby into a Chap

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