Parenting Fails

Parenting Fail

The Peenasaur is My Favorite Ancient Beast

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Created by Unknown

123 NOT IT

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Get the Kids What they Really Want

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Via npine.tumblr

Don't Worry, the Kids Are Coming Up With New Acronyms Already

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Public Parenting News: Like They Would be Familiar With Her Work...

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The Logo Really Does Change Everything...

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Parenting WIN? FALSE. He is the Incorrect Size to Accurately Depict that Character

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Pucker Up For... OH GOD

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I was Thinking About Getting a Happy Meal, but It's so Mainstream

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Via Reddit
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Biggie: Way Cooler than "Rock a-by Baby"

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Pull Up Dad's Pants, Will You?

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Hold on to that BAAAABBYYYY~~~

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This Baby Gets No Respect

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Parenting WIN: Fitting in With the Boy

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That Meme, I Don't Think It Means What You Think it Means...

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Created by Unknown

Awesome Kid Alert: Transform and Roll Out!

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