Parenting Fails

Parenting Fail

Best Way to Spend Allowance Money? Yeah, the Best Way.

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Via Reddit

Same Difference, Dubstep is Sensory-Overloading Exploitation Anyway

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Mack's Mom Wishes For the Superior Small-Butted Race

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It's Still Better than an OK Cupid Account

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These Sensations, What is this Vile Substance?

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He'll be Fine, It's Just a Spinning Metal and Plastic Deathtrap!

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Parenting FAILs Gif-Party!

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Via Sofa Pizza

No Problem at All, Given the Circumstances

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Public Parenting News: On a Teacher's Salary, I Don't Blame Her...

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Via Arbroath

The Child Should Be Piglet, Your Bizarre Family Photo is Invalid

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Somebody Just Asked an Intriguing Question Off-Camera

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Via dcthomas82

You Can't Even Put a Harness on Him!

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It Goes All the Way to Eleven!

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Created by Unknown

Caught in the Act

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No, You Can't Take Away That Juice Box

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