Parenting Fails


They Always Find a Way Around Any Obstacle

kids bedtime parenting crib twins g rated - 8396928256
Via brainrockets

Great Race, Dad, Now When's Lunch?

biting kids parenting dad - 8321329664
Via theCHIVE

These Controls Suck

kids parenting video games - 7055880448
Via Pulp Dog

Smile, Everyone!

photobomb kids niece family photo parenting - 8409393152
Via jordieham

Nice Try

kids letters parenting - 8131032064
Via TheBurningBeard

Leave it to Kids to Find a Poop Joke in Everything

Via doctech

One Way to Keep Cool This Summer

bald kids hair haircut parenting poorly dressed g rated - 8251160832
Via coolislandbreeze

They Don't Even Fit in This Car

cars kids license plate parenting vanity plate - 8328146688
Via theCHIVE

We Should Do This Every Month

Joy kids parenting g rated - 7899783168
Via Pleated Jeans

They Grow Up So Fast

kids pets parenting - 7963536128
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Static Electricity? What's That?

kids slide parenting static electricity - 8080930048

Parents Know....

kids photos parenting - 7916333312
Created by bugglesmommy

No Expensive Toys Necessary

boxes toys kids parenting DIY tape - 7858267648
Via jhenglebellies

Darth Vader or Ballerina? Why Not Both?

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Via Rylon2008
Music kids parenting - 56073473

Whip It Good!

View Video

The Humble Potato: Truly a Hero Kids Can Count On

hero kids potato parenting - 8430971136
Via Chodas

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