Parenting Fails


A Dad Trolled His Partner With Increasingly Outrageous Baby Pictures

parenting trolling image A Dad Trolled His Partner With Increasingly Outrageous Baby Pictures
Via manversusbaby

This Texting Prank Got Creative

pranks parenting image This Texting Prank Got Creative
Via 02613

This Precious Child Left a Note of Warning on Their Homework

image homework parenting This Precious Child Left a Note of Warning on Their Homework
Via anicrane

Siblings Take the Same Photo Each Time One Graduates

school graduation image Siblings Take the Same Photo Each Time One Graduates
Via Hicksapotamis

Troll Dad Responds to Daughter's Tattoo by Sending Photos of His Attempt to Copy It

image trolling parenting Troll Dad Responds to Daughter's Tattoo by Sending Photos of His Attempt to Copy It
Via teenagepuppy

Amazon Really DOES Sell Everything

amazon parenting funny image - 8491231744
Created by KJR1963

Everyone Has Regrets

parenting funny image Everyone Has Regrets
Via amessagewithabottle

Can You Get Money Just for Losing the Tooth?

parenting tooth fairy image Can You Get Money Just for Losing the Tooth?

Grandma Wanted a Recent Picture of You

parenting selfie image Grandma Wanted a Recent Picture of You
Via starrstreet

Thanks for the Quote Mom!

school quote image Thanks for the Quote Mom!
Via CavalEAR

This Is a Handprint of Bacteria From an 8-Year-Old Who Just Got Back From Playing Outside

science kids image This Is a Handprint of Bacteria From an 8-Year-Old Who Just Got Back From Playing Outside
Via Neatorama

Just Skipping From Using One Set of Diapers To Another

funny parenting image make up on toddler transformed her into old lady
Via ‏@srp_822

Kids These Days

parenting funny barack obama Kids These Days
Via ezekielziggy

This Kid Has a Knack for Activism

image signs recycling This Kid Has a Knack for Activism
Via starrynitess

And Nothing Has Changed

marriage parenting funny And Nothing Has Changed
Via Restafarianism

Indiana Just Started Installing Drop Boxes for Parents to Leave Their Babies In

image baby adoption Indiana Just Started Installing Drop Boxes for Parents to Leave Their Babies In
Via wncn
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