Parenting Fails


Replace the Car with a Fixie and We're Golden!

baby beer hipster Parenting Fail toddler toy - 5616032512

She's Vegan


You're Right Baby, Hipster Irony DOES Stink

baby g rated hipster irony mustache parenting Parenting Fail - 5645755904
Via I Hate My Parents

Ask Yourself...

Hall of Fame hipster psa - 6157153792
Via Reddit

Don't Try to Out-Hipster Your Parents, Kid

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Via reddit

I was Thinking About Getting a Happy Meal, but It's so Mainstream

fashion fast food hipster kid Parenting Fail - 5369377792
Via Reddit

Mom, This Fast Food Does Not Represent the State of My Damned Soul

disappointed emo fast food goth hipster mom Parenting Fail Sad - 5554081024
Via I Hate My Parents

Hipster Flintstones

christmas hipster - 6472072448

A Bottle in One Hand, Organic Fair-Trade in the Other

baby clothing fashion glasses Hall of Fame hipster Parenting Fail wait what - 5568525568

This Isn't My Juice Box

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Created by RedArmy_BushMan