Parenting Fails


Tanked Tots: Quick! Draw Things on His Face!

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Created by Unknown

He'll Make an Excellent Liberal Arts Student in the Future

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Sacré Bleu!

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Take One for the Team, Mom

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Tanked Toddlers: Poker Night is always a big deal

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Mom Needs that Rejuvenating Spirit

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Hopefully With A Little Parenting In Between

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A Public Service Message

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Via Carbonite Sickness

But Seriously, the Stuff Tastes so Terrible, Who Would Know?

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Via Reddit

Beer: Not Even Once

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Boys, Sadly, Have No Unquestionable Excuses

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Via Reddit
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Truth or Drink: Parents and Kids

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Via Cyanide & Happiness

Oh Pooh

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Via Reddit

No Bottle 40-Hands for the Baby?

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A Different Kind of Dad Joke

Via Dump a Day
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