Parenting Fails


What's cool to you might not be cool to the next person, so make sure you really have a good idea what is in, and what is out.

This Isn't My Juice Box

beer cool drunk hipster naughty or nice tanked toddlers - 5545995776
Created by RedArmy_BushMan

You're Still Cool to Us, Dad!

cool baby wearing parenting dad - 8386744576
Via Dump a Day

Awesome > Cool

cool awesome superhero - 6760096512

And Proud of It!

cool poorly dressed parenting t shirts dad - 8216874496
Via Trill Dad

A Doll Maker is Adding Options to Increase Representation for Disabilities

parenting dolls disabled A Doll Maker is Adding Options to Increase Representation for Disabilities
Via Laughing Squid

I Wish I Was a Teenager Again :(

Chart cool teenagers - 6578488064

What Every Parent Thinks When They Buy a Minivan

bumper sticker cool kids minivan parenting g rated - 8140938240
Via NObeardNodice

They Look Pretty Cool to Me

cool sunglasses brownies - 6795825664