Parenting Fails


FAIL kids parenting - 80463105

This Kid's Not Too Thrilled with His First Water Balloon Fight

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dad fires son for stealing from job | Posted by u/E11451913 1 day ago 14 10 3 15 13 AITA firing my son? Not hole Throwaway because don't want this seen on my main account get straight issue. My M43 17 year old son Adam has been trying become independent and preparing move college but struggling find job own private warehouse as side job earn living. My wife suggested hire my son work at warehous. Moving boxes, brining workers lunch, helping with cleaning kind stuff. She said is both our benefits

Dad Fires His Son for Stealing from Work

Ah, the old "my dad's the boss" mentality.
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These Kids Might Be More Talented As Soccer Players

funny fail gif hockey kids all fail together
Via SlimJones123

This Picture Will Shed Some Light on Her Childhood in Therapy Later

FAIL childhood parenting - 8601059328
Via bigredlizard

That Totally Chill Phone App That Rocks the Cradle

baby FAIL gifs parenting - 8599802624
Created by tamaleknight

Kids Really Love Cheese Balls

so good you can't escape getting your head stuck in the jar
Via EfYouPayME

Thanks Mom, But These Chocolate Truffle Mice Tails Look a Bit Suspect

funny parenting fail chocolate truffle mice treats look like a penis
Via Caters

That Innocent Bystander Can't Even

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Via bellygangstaboo

You Said You Wanted a Samurai Costume!

costume FAIL kids parenting g rated - 8085296640
FAIL parenting compilation Video - 73570817

Kids Vs. Gravity

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This Kid Knows How We All Feel About Duck Lip Selfies

FAIL parenting selfie win - 8584424960
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Don't Let The Door Hit Ya

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That's One Way to Ring Daddy's Alarm Bells

Via giftbay

When Some Kids Make Their Own Breakfast

FAIL kids parenting cheerios cereal - 7372678912
Created by Unknown
Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

All about the slumlord strategy.
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drinking FAIL parenting football - 140038

Ruthless Dad with a Grade A 'Murican Mullet Shows up to Tailgate Just to Ice All His Son's Friends

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