Parenting Fails

Making Plans to Be A Zombie, Are We?

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Part Baby, Part Sea Anemone

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Carry Them With You Wherever You Go

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Via The Meta Picture
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Classical Music For Kids

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funny puns, clever dad jokes and memes | tawdry hepburn [dumb bitch hour eraserheadbabby my friend gave birth her car on way hospital and her husband named kid Carson and if don't think 's best dad joke ever get out my face | Planes were invented 1903 Trains were invented 1804 Babies before 1804 :

Dad Jokes, Puns and Other Clever Memery

Bring it on.
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Are You Sure?

comic Grandpa - 6299912448
Via Channelate

Sometimes Dinner Time Feels Like This

vegetables Cookie Monster parenting food gif g rated - 7767470080

His School Photo Isn’t Going To Look Much Different Either

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A Kid Left This Tip For a Server

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Via Bogzz12
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Dads are Trying Their Best, But Sometimes They FAIL Too

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Sure to Brighten Any Soldier's Day

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Sydney Philharmonic Choir Sings the Carmina Burana, Changes the Lyrics to Make It "An Ode to Sleep-Deprived Parents"

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Your Mother's Constant Nagging Was for Your Benefit

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Kids and Dogs Have a Lot in Common

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Watch as This Adorable 3-Year Old Does His First Skateboard Tricks

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We're Going to Be Best Friends!

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