Parenting Fails

I Watched Alien: Resurrection Last Night...

Barbie alien parenting funny - 7436026624

From the Mouths of Babes

kids wisdom parenting g rated - 7974047488

If You Were Looking for a Serious Answer, You Came to the Wrong Place

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Children's Books

childrens book report card - 6206762496

Accidents Happen, Right?

accident comic mom oops parenting Parenting Fail pee - 5331692800

There Are Probably More Important Lessons to Be Learned Here...

childrens book parenting - 8422707200
Via Izismile
tinder friends parenting - 79735553

Introducing the New Way for Couples to Make Parent Friends

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What a Dumb Animal

dogs entertainment - 6430929920

Mom Had it Right From the Start

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Really, Peter Rabbit?

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Created by Unknown
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And Then, You'll be a Man, My Son

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The Joys of Parenthood

baby dad parenting - 8314748672
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Mom Mistakenly Packs Four Loko Into 17-Year-Old's Lunch

alcohol FAIL parenting mom - 8796421120
Via KenzieeStrangee
17-year-old McKenzie Strange received a special treat to accompany a granola bar in her brown bag lunch on Tuesday. Mom, who has no idea what Four Loko is, was either oblivious or trying to give her daughter a jump start on a #TurntTuesday. Yes, Mom. You're right... That is sort of like a tea/energy combo. It's also 12% ABV.

Every Man's Library

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Daddy Issues

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Multitask Level: Boss

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