A mean step mom uses all the family's water, so she gets all her bottled water used | r/pettyrevenge Join u/bubonicplagiarism 9h ?1 Wicked witch water Not too long ago were grip one worst droughts have ever seen. Many old timers said worst they'd ever seen so yeah bad live on rainwater catch off house and shed roof and store tanks. At this time 's been well over 18 months since last time rained, so are buying water stock and being very, very frugal with our water ration house.

Careless Step Mom Learns Her Lesson

Got her good.
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Employee makes a "Karen" drive 50 miles for no reason | made Karen drive 50 miles get her refund Before start some background work at customer service as department lead and l'll say my hardware store practices rule says reserve right refuse and limit any returns any reasons" very often. With being said Karen slithered into my store with water heater around $800, She hissed at us want return asked if she had receipt, she ask why does she need one and said do refund, since over $50 would

Employee Makes Karen Drive 50 Miles For No Reason

Karen took a drive.
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An AskReddit thread about lessons that people learned far too late in life | BJntheRV 22h disappointment parents will be far shorter lived than unhappiness endure by trying make life fit their perfect picture.

Lessons People Learned Too Late In Life

A solid cheat sheet on life.
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Twitter thread School friend asks dumb questions to help anxious friend | baileyanastas @baileyanastas had this girl my class and she considered be like REALLY DUMB. She'd ask ton questions class, which everybody would consider be "stupid"and "silly" and even teachers would often taunt her but she'd never stop asking.

Twitter Thread: Loyal Friend Bears Ridicule to Help Friend in School

There's some quality friendship.
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Instances where people did not understand how to operate everyday objects | reddit posted by WL14K dropped and ice cube on floor once and threw sink. My roommate at time flabbergasted she had never thought and always put dropped ice cubes garbage.

People That Didn't Understand Everyday Objects

Confusion can arise in the most obvious of circumstances.
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Guy trolls a scammer on Instagram | text messages texting chat hey bro are interested making some money with course am okay firstly need know where cause this offer is only USA and canada

Guy Trolls "Kyle The Scammer" On Instagram, To Oblivion

Not gonna work this time, bro.
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Tumblr thread describes sci fi humans as having a stabbing knife roomba | sepulchritude on topic humans being intergalactic “hold my beer" species: imagine an alien stepping onto human starship and seeing space roomba with knife duct taped onto just wandering around ship doesn't have any special intelligence s just normal space roomba. there are other space roombas on ship and they don't have knives s just this one. knife space roomba has full clearance every room ship. occasionally crew members

Tumblr Explores Human Nature with "Knife Roomba"

We like Stabby.
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Students prank their teacher, and the teacher ends up having the last laugh | r/ProRevenge mikebwn_80 Students pranked had last laugh spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at small private school my first two years didn't have classroom, just small office would bring needed each class on cart and go room room, depending on which teacher had prep at any given time. This incredibly inconvenient and, not being most organized teachers begin with, made things difficult keep

Wholesome Revenge: Students Prank Teacher, Teacher Has Last Laugh

Wholesome revenge is the way to go.
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A collection of images showing people being dumb in cars | These people deserve be flung into sun | two cars blocking a road traffic light

People Being Dumb Dumbs In Cars

We share roads with these people.
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metal band performance

Local Metal Band Absolutely Shreds It

Those kids are going places.
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Tumblr thread suggests that the color magenta does not exist | inkwingart This is magenta, and not pink. Unlike pink, magenta doesn't actually exist. Our brain just invents magenta serve as considers logical bridge between red and violet, which each exist at opposite ends linear spectrum. TL;DR this color is fake (and also hate )

Tumblr Thread: Magenta Isn't A Real Color

So apparently some colors are impossible.
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An entitled woman expects free ice cream, and ends up being served petty spite indeed | run an ice cream truck on side earn cash. Normally park tourist hot spots during peak hours. Today young girl ran up my truck and told her mother she wanted an ice cream mother told her no as she didn't have any money girl really cute and seemed excited so offered mum free ice cream as spur moment thing. Girl happy, mum happy happy they were happy.

Entitled Woman Expects Free Ice Cream, Petty Spite Ensues

So it freaking goes.
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Guy messes with his noisy neighbor's TV until his neighbor smashes it | r/pettyrevenge Posted by parkesc Loud Neighbor Gets Silenced started my sophomore year college (over 2 decades ago guy who moved into dorm next just stereotypical meathead jock who kind overweight. And turns out, he shitty neighbor. Two things about these dorm rooms: 1 walls were rather thin. Not only did hear every decibel his loud music and TV, but one night he brought some girl home with him some fun whole

Guy Tricks Noisy Neighbor into Smashing His Own TV

Desperate times...
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An employee discovers that they're allergic to bananas while at the company potluck | reddit post TIFU by not realizing allergic bananas, and making my coworkers think l'm dumbass This didn't just happen, this about year ago staff my office 95% southern ladies over 65 years old. They were mostly retired, working part time as office staff. And they LOVED potlucks, they lived them point where had one pretty much every month.

Employee Discovers Food Allergy At Company Potluck

The tingling was a red flag.
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Employee takes petty revenge on coworker who kept leaving stuff on their desk | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ezeebee 1d Desks are plants, not paperwork At my previous job had fridge and microwave. People congregated there while they were making their lunch, and sometimes just because they happened meet each other next my desk while they were both walking up length office and stopped have conversation. This meant end my desk became dumping ground stuff people were carrying but didn't want hold while the

Employee Counteracts Annoying Coworker With Plants

Take that, Janet.
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Former store manager intentionally hires a thief as his replacement | reddit r/ProRevenge posted by Colo1984 as former store manager, deliberately hired thief as my replacement r/confession TDLR: Abusive owners tried get unknowingly hire my own replacement. Due their behavior hired thief replace instead.

Former Store Manager Deliberately Hires Thief As Replacement

That's one way to make an exit.
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