Guys holding friend by the ankles to get ball out of canal until he falls in.

Dudes Try Their Best to Get Ball Back

That's some effort.
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A Tumblr thread where cultures clash over the size of the UK | im--tnuc-deactivated20181220 don't know why, but think some Americans don't realise big UK is American Customer English right? Do know bookshop between Wales and Bristol has lots books my head: yeah mate know one. Classic. Love pop down there on cheeky break between work wanker lizq-vs--kitkatuprising continuous 48 states are is almost 39x size isle great britan 's answer

Tumblr Thread: Cultures Clash Over The Size Of The UK

Proceeds to laugh in Australian.
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batman plays Interstellar cover on accordion

Guy Plays Mind-Boggling Cover Of Interstellar On Accordion

Uh, that was pretty cool.
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A story about a toxic boss pushing their employees to their breaking point | r/ProRevenge Join u/SadConfiguration 2y And deposit lost somewhat new reddit and have been reading these pro revenge stories and feel like have good offering early 2000's working at Graphics and T- Shirt printing shop major college town Midwest graphic design major and just made sense be involved screen printing and design owner company very socially awkward dude went university and stayed

Toxic Boss Drives Employees To Their Breaking Point

Everyone has their limits.
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A quick Tumblr post about a barista handling a tricky customer | taylortut y'all know john mulaney quote things crazy people say mean nothing them but everything every time hear quote think about got this light-up pen

Tumblr Post: Barista Handles Trickster Customer

Time, time, time.
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People describe things that smell good, but taste terrible | duchy4112 5h Candles Reply 626

Things That Smell Good But Taste Bad

Don't eat the candle.
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patient lists mistress as emergency contact | Posted by u/eatapeach18 3 days ago called d my patient's mistress, but just doing told oc L This happened back 2009 working part time at doctor's office while nursing school one receptionists and did all filing and cataloguing and such boring work, but doctor (my boss) guaranteed job after nursing school so 's why did This particular doctor an orthopedic surgeon had lots patients coming MRIS, CT scans, and X-rays. This one particular patient, Frank

Patient Lists Their Mistress as Emergency Contact, Gets Exposed

It's a strange decision for sure.
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A collection of funny tweets from Twitter's funniest dad | James Breakwell @XplodingUnicorn so out just asked my dog hand something be fair, he gave same blank stare my kids would have.

Comedy Gems From Twitter's Funniest Dad

Raising kids changes you.
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funny history memes | Vikings after finding out monasteries are filled with gold and people can't fight

History Memes to Feel Smart About

It's like learning, sort of!
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A collection of the dumbest things that guys did to prove their manhood | erwreckahh 1d Coming server. Man literally said he didnt need or want help maybe he didnt want share tip? Who knows bro) anyway, carried 15 drinks on one tray with TWO full coffee pots and broke every single glass. Did not see man after shift. Tried do this all with one hand

Dumbest Things Dudes Did To Prove Their Manhood

Leave the bees out of it.
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A Twitter thread about a young couple finding love in a cafe | Jerry @notjerryclayton only one this café and girl employee just told guy employee she has crush on him will update

Twitter Thread: Romance Erupts Between Café Coworkers

Those were the days.
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Bo Jackson explains who he is to someone who doesn't recognize him

Bo Jackson Patiently Explains Who He Is

Patience of a saint.
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Gordon Ramsay enjoys his food for a change

Gordon Ramsay Eats The Perfect Sausage Roll

Looks absolutely delicious.
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Guy misunderstands mom, thinks his family's in turmoil, learns otherwise | r/tifu u/throwawaysumtingwong TIFU by sucking Chinese M This happened pre-pandemic. So l'm (31M) 100% pure Chinese but really bad at They taught at school, but really shitty, like were learning kindergarten level Chinese High School speak (very poor) Mandarin and Hokkien this conversation, my mom speaking Hokkien and broken, mixed with English Hokkien. Anyway having breakfast with my mom she told Mom Chinese

Man's Translation Fail Results In Hilarious Misunderstanding

Languages are hard.
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always sunny in Philadelphia bloopers improvisation

Improv In Always Sunny (Bloopers)

What a great show.
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filming nature life log bridge over a stream

Pennsylvania Man Films All Kinds Of Wild Life On Bridge

Nature is radical.
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