funny and wtf mistakes, messes and failures | waiter in a restaurant standing beside a pile of broken plates | giant bulldozer that ran over a car and smashed flattened half of it

Misfortune Monday: A Lot Can Go Wrong

Just about anything can happen.
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Parents decide to stick it to a property owner who won't sell land to their neighbor | r/ProRevenge u/IAmDinosaurROWR Land Deal Gone Awry Tale Vengeance Disclaimer: this tale revenge thought up, and carried out, by my parents and neighbor. My parents live nice, quiet neighborhood most part, everyone gets along well and neighborhood exists its own little bubble only time see people outside neighborhood bubble is on Halloween

Parents Stick It To Property Owner, Purchase Land, Sell It To Neighbor

That property owner must've been speechless.
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A tenant takes revenge on an evil tenant | r/ProRevenge u/ArizonaAvenue Revenge on Evil Landlord University, l'd heard stories about horrible landlords student housing but hadn't experienced myself Until third year felt like got 3 years worth shitty landlords all one go began heard noises wall behind my bed at night brushed off while until realised an animal wall.

Tenant Takes Revenge On Evil Landlord

That is how it is done.
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A quick and funny Tumblr thread about people's unexpected food allergies | @eggzbian-deactivated20191126 orange juice is superior beverage bc makes ur tongue feel like u ate bunch ants which reminds my childhood would put ants my mouth and eat em except this time tastes good too spacefroggity Hey op think probably allergic citrus?

Quick Funny Tumblr Thread On Food Allergies

Better to learn late than to never learn at all.
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funny dumb spelling fails | text messages yea am fine with earth and stuff but get confused w chrome zone thing whatever Chrome zone? Chromosome?

Spelling Fails That Mangled Words Up Nice

Who needs complete thoughts anyway?
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Man misunderstands a common phrase, and girlfriend's dad suffers a shock as a result | r/tifu Join u/ChainedEagle 22h TIFU by telling my Girlfriend's Dad our relationship decline and would be asking his permission have an affair. M This happened last month during staycation U.K. with my (25M) girlfriend's (25F) family. My GF, her mum and her sister decided go shopping day. Her dad, sister's boyfriend and headed pub were about 3 pints FU began GFs Dad OP long have and my daughter been together

Man Misunderstands Common Phrase, Girlfriend's Dad Suffers A Shock As Result

Oh, that's unfortunate.
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funny technically correct jokes | asstroids Whats red and bad teeth? fricken-nuggets brick sammybitchfacewinchester well not wrong

Technically Accurate Moments That Aren't Exactly Wrong

It works.
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Funny and weird scientific diagrams | Unwanted sexual urges? Have graham cracker and calm yourself down. stack of cardboard looking snacks

Scientific Diagrams That Look Like Jokes

Context is key.
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A tenant manages to get some inconsiderate and loud neighbors fined | r/pettyrevenge u/gloriaj10 Getting My Neighbors Fined my previous apartment lived on bottom floor with two roommates girls who lived above were really noisy, playing loud music at all hours night. Music doesn't really affect much but my roommates really annoying. They called and one office workers asked them quiet down as there complaint couple days later heard really loud thumping and jumping my ceiling can handle

Tenant Gets Inconsiderate, Stomping Neighbors Fined

They shouldn't have sunk that low.
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Red flags people had on resumes | Alleylovescoffee very unprofessional email is definitely one see some insane emails ask knew someone who got an email address had big daddy

Resume Red Flags People Have Seen

There are some things that are worth not including.
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A collection of times that liars got called out on social media | One my homegirls painted this Dang am soooo fine Be great homegirl must be an expert at filtering | Customer service terrible went there today but guy serving started complaining cause wanted refund, and thats just not an employee should be acting Response owner 2 weeks ago bought figures and then 3 weeks later wanted return them because needed money back refunded figures even though didn't have

Liars That Tried To Lie And Failed Miserably

These liars need to give it a permanent rest.
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Woman takes over a manager position, is incompetent, power trips, and gets fired | r/ProRevenge Join u/CocktailsPerfected 2y all had bad bosses before, right? Not sure if this is pro revenge, or petty revenge, but figure post here. This does't paint great light, but 18/19 at time, and dick. About 8 or 9 years ago worked retail small outdoor goods store (6 members staff small Ski stuff winter, Camping/hiking summer wasn't passionate about but job's job woman who hired left pretty soon after start

Woman Takes Over Manager Position, Fails At Job, Power Trips, Gets Fired

She never should've been in management.
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Warning signs that are creepy and ominous | DANGER SUDDEN DROP DANGER SUDDEN DROP door bolted shut | POWER ON Cut a wire YOU DIE 440 Volts red writing on wall

Creepy Warning Signs That Do Their Job Well

Thank you, signs.
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A funny Tumblr thread on various recipes from around the world | french recipes: if not making this paris then 's point. fuck italian recipes: use left leg meat pig one three farms this specific area tuscany, or this day my grandmother will begin manifesting physically house thirdtimecharmed american recipes: buy these three cans stuff and put them pan congrats cooked

Tumblr Thread: Recipes From Around The World

Apparently, these are on point.
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Wholeseome, nice and positive memes | My wife took our cat vet and my son told vet his toy dinosaur feeling bad, so vet gave an X-ray

Wholesome Memes for a Little Boost

Sometimes things can be alright.
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Guys holding friend by the ankles to get ball out of canal until he falls in.

Dudes Try Their Best to Get Ball Back

That's some effort.
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