Patient doesn't realize that a MRI technician can hear them | r/tifu Join u/markedforpie Tifu by not realizing MRI technician could hear M Tifu by not realizing technician could hear Back February my arm started hurting so went doctor and he told rest still hasn't healed so he scheduled an MRI today arrived and got all set up and tech told she training new girl. They asked lay down Superman style and then strapped down my arm really hurt but figured could suffer little while

Patient Doesn't Realize MRI Technician Can Hear Them

Oh, oh, no, say it ain't so.
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Funny and interesting English language moments | ace-nyctophyle any noun can become verb if don't care enough yupokaysuremhm This point is invalid unless use an example sentence ace-nyctophyle CAN SENTENCE WANT THANK yupokaysuremhm BEAUTIFUL mysterytinyfox see thats why love english ailithnight like velociraptor around my house at 2 morning. ace-nyctophyle GOOD not--be--tea-but-brit My headache makes want clothesline into wall enquires-state-building why do these make some semblance sense 9

Fun and Frustration with The English Language

It's a weird language.
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Wholeseom thread on opportunity rover | After 15 years Oppy flipping double bird her original 90 day life expectancy planet-spanning dust storm finally knocked her out and she stopped responding engineer's wake-up messages, they started playing music her. And after 8 months and almost 1000 unanswered wake-up messages finally clear Oppy never going wake up last thing these world-class NASA engineers did their little rover on another planet play her love song

Tumblr Thread: NASA's Care for Opportunity Rover is a Feels Expedition

Hope you're somewhere better, Oppy.
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An impatient driver ends up getting instant karma after speeding past other driver | r/pettyrevenge Join u/is_it_corona_time Want YEET past over double yellow line? Enjoy ticket! Please excuse formatting, l'm on mobile community live has speed limit 25mph also has connecting street another dev which leads main road, so people tend cut through my neighborhood get there. Many drivers enjoy speeding through streets rather than following speed limit local police department therefore

Impatient Driver Gets Instant Karma

Feel good story of the summer.
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Doctors describe the unexplainable health miracles that they witnessed | Nathaniel66 10h My uncle had cancer and he at end road. Family wanted take him home last christmas, doctor said there's no chance he will survive 30 miles trip took him anyway 18 years ago and he's perfectly fine. Doctor's don't know why, but cancer just reversed itself.

Unexplainable Health Miracles Doctors Witnessed

Our bodies are full of surprises.
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grandma refuses to learn grandson's name so grandson says her name wrong | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/notmyname2020_ AITA calling my grandma by wrong name until she gets my name right? Not hole This has going on since forever so decided do something 16m) half Mexican my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. Ngl most my mom's family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. My grandma on my mom's side never liked my dad and happy

Grandma Won't Learn Grandson's Name So He Mispronounces Hers

It's the least one could do.
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Choosing beggar claims that knife has wrong energy, and tries to return it | Hello. Hope are well am afraid would like return knife and get full refund. Thank Hello Daniela! Can please tell exactly is wrong with knife? Just want know did wrong.

Choosing Beggar Claims Knife Has Wrong Energy, Tries To Return It

Nice try, but no.
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Manager lays off a third of the team, expects remaining people to work harder, and it backfires | r/ProRevenge Join u/gaarmstrong318 1d 3 O1 S 1 2 Lay off third team and expect us work harder will see about So this happened sometime 2010's somewhere UK s all revealing worked medium sized PLC small team worked with sales department getting quotes had previously worked another team different department same company as well. This also includes elements malicious compliance l'll post this there as

Manager Fires Third Of Team, Expects Them To Work Harder, It Backfires

Manager had no idea what they were doing.
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teenager calls into a radio show

15-Year-Old Calls Into Radio Station, Hilarity Ensues

Kevin's playing all the games.
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cool soccer double-volley goal video

Player Manages Sweet Double-Volley Goal

Whose reflexes are those?
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funny radio interview prank

Radio Hosts Find Greatest Bloke In World Through Prank Job Reference

Only in Australia.
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Things that leave no room for failure | Baileythenerd 1d O 3 6 Awards Skydiving Reply 1 11.1k

Times That Failure's Not An Option

Easy to forget the fragility of life.
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Friendly reminder for people that want to buy pets during the holidays | holidays are coming up, and as someone who works pet store there are some things want everyone who plans on getting animals as gifts remember: fish tanks need be set up and running at least one week before fish can be put all fish need treated water and bacteria supplements. fish can only survive plastic bag about an hour ONLY fish can go bowl is BETTA. all other fish, especially goldfish, will die/be very unhealthy bowls.

Pet Store Employee Shares Friendly Holiday Reminder

Don't underestimate how loud birds are.
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Dad uses his big boat to take revenge on a couple jerks at the lake | r/pettyrevenge Join u/WebberWoods 3y s free lake, isn't This happened couple years ago at my parents' cottage. This cottage community used be pretty sparsely populated and felt pretty remote back 60s my Dad kid. These days 's completely built up and feels more like subdivision with water between houses instead roads sunny summer Saturday can get really busy. My Dad, however, still likes go up there quiet relaxing experience

Dad Uses Big Boat To Take Revenge On Lake Scoundrels

Never mess with the bigger boat.
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movies with the characters genders reversed

5 Movies That Become Insane With Swapped Genders

Amazing how much of a difference it can make.
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funny trolling history moments | danielokane 17.2k points 20 hours ago 3 3 3 3 Mozart didn't like this singer so much he 2 wrote piece her with high and low notes constantly because he noticed she hit low notes her chin went her chest and she hit high notes her head would fling back. So like she bobbing like chicken

Some of the Great Trollings of History

Nice one, Mozart.
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