cracked video about the phenomena of finding porn magazines in the woods | buy a stack of playboys wander the woods and forests of this great country drop them for children to find

The Secret Rite Of Passage Only Known To People Born Before 1990

What a ride.
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A blessed Tumblr post about how adorable wolves are | thewugtest if youve never physically been presence like real live wolf, and probably wont get chance heres some stuff about them should know wolf's fur is so unbelievably thick can get like whole hand into while petting. and then can keep going

Blessed Tumblr Post On Wolves

Wonder if this applies to direwolves.
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Kids being stupid and weird | Enormous Earl @enormous_earl 12 tried cheat at poker by pulling some cards out nearby deck nobody looking grabbed 3 kings and put them my hand, discreetly hiding cards replacing. So then there holding out my 5 cards: 3 with red backs, 2 with blue backs | won't let him eat bathroom garbage snapchat of kid crying

Moments that Show the Weird Dumbness of Children

They're not smart.
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Neighbor antagonizes guy to no end, and ends up getting a taste of his own medicine | r/pettyrevenge u/TheCrimsonnerGinge Neighbor antagonized all year, so quite literally) gave him taste his own medicine college had neighbor (Who will henceforth be Benny, like asshat New Vegas And this neighbor, he not considerate neighbor example, he watched TikTok at 3am, connected his Bluetooth speaker, which he so politely pointed directly at wall improve sound quality He piled his

Neighbor Antagonizes Guy, Gets Taste Of His Own Medicine

A herculean act, indeed.
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funny and dumb advice to not do | If hang bananas like this bananas will take longer spoil because bananas think they are still tree | Oprah reveals she manages stay stress free at 64! Step 1: have billion dollars.

Bad Life Pro Tips That Won't Help at All

They won't do anything.
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A Twitter thread about how even vampires don't like the bottom of the ocean | Skeleton J. Ball @C_L_Ball Vampires are immortal, right? So 's stopping them laying on couch all eternity watching TV? Like, really lazy shitty vamps. Skeleton J. Ball @C_L_Ball Man really lazy vampire could just order lots delivery food and cash on delivery dude blood.

Twitter Thread: Even Vampires Hate The Bottom Of The Ocean

Too much going on down there.
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Employee doubles down on spelling of hamster as "Hampster" | Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire Jul 12, 2019 Replying CarolBlymire office space near client young woman meeting with her boss. She by my estimation her late 20s. Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire boss (also woman giving her feedback and reviewing edits she had made on something this young woman wrote. 5:21 PM Jul 12, 2019 1.3K 83 people are Tweeting about this Carol Blymire @CarolBlymire Jul 12, 2019 Replying CarolBlymire They had been speaking

Delusional Employee Defends Spelling of "Hampster"

Way to double down.
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Small inconveniences that can drive people completely insane | WalkingOnPavement 3d 1 Award Always hearing water drip and never being able find source

Small Inconvenience Curses That Could Drive People Insane

Pebble at the bottom of the shoe, but never able to find it.
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A revenge story about crazy ex girlfriend that steals guy's truck, and paints it pink | r/ProRevenge Join u/360Entertainment Not Car, Lady! So this happened around 2008. My buddy Brock had gotten out military after 10 years. He'd started Marines but transitioned into Army last 4 years before buying house Texas he got out he did variety jobs before landing gig with Repo service. He worked there year and had lot wild stories but this one sticks out most as he helped fellow soldier get

Psycho Ex Steals Man's Truck, Kind Karen Saves The Day

Finally, a kind and heroic Karen.
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hard boiled egg peeling cooking hack

Hard Boiled Egg Peeling Method Actually Works

This could change the game.
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nba player puts amateur basketball player in their spot funny sports fail video

Standoffish Amateur Basketball Player Gets Upstaged By NBA Player

So many excuses.
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Employee accidentally rickrolls eight entire cities | r/tifu u/CapablePerformance 8h Join 1 1 30 2 17 e 20 3 28 21 1 TIFU by accidentally rickrolling eight cities M currently work my local government their communications department making videos, fliers, social media posts, and pretty much everything else they need. Part job involves putting placeholder text and links since l'll be told need link this resource but 's not available".

Employee Mistakenly Rickrolls Eight Entire Cities

That's a big oops, indeed.
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funny fail shark tank contestant kicks door

Guy Tries Kicking Open Door For Shark Tank, Fails Miserably

At least he left it all out there.
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funny food video bologna sandwich cooking

Man's Accent And Enthusiasm For Bologna Sandwich Is Legendary

The cheese can gas people up.
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funny air dancer in reverse video

Inflatable Dancer In Reverse Looks Like Actual Dancing

It's so natural.
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crazy video extreme sports skydiver close call nearly hitting a mountain

Skydiver Narrowly Escapes Hitting Mountain

Way too close.
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