Karen pitches a fit about how long her egg is hard boiled, so a fellow guest provides a reality check. | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/bel_esprit_ Psycho request at hotel breakfast buffet Medium don't even work at hotel but need share this with guys. Currently, l'm staying at nice hotel Sweden added breakfast buffet onto our stay bc had rave reviews online been enjoying each morning our stay. So breakfast buffet here is indeed glorious. They put lot thought and consideration into Multiple

Karen Demands 8-Minute Hard Boiled Egg, Gets Reality Check Instead

You'll be alright, Karen.
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funny video old man tries to pay for parking

Grandpa Attempts To Pay For Parking, Hilarity Ensues

Grandpa wasn't having it.
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McGurk Effect shows how brains interpret sounds differently based on what the listener is seeing

The McGurk Effect Is Some Black Magic Audio-Visual Trickery

Bah. Bah. Bah.
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An entitled influencer expects free stuff in exchange for exposure, and hilarity ensues. | hello would like do collaboration some sort? id love share work on my account if interested?

Entitled Influencer Expects Free Goods In Exchange For Exposure

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horrible things that are still legal | AnOstentatiousRaisin Hearing honking sound radio commercial

Horrible Things That Are Somehow Legal

How is that still around?
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A Tumblr user discovers a "diet soup" and then hilarity ensues. | butchyena Follow ive been doing lot youtube recipe binging lately so recommended this video and like fuck diet soup why not Lose 15 pounds 7 days with Peel--Pound Soup T-ROY COOKS 6.7M views 4 years ago Are wanting lose weight quickly without exercise? This Peel--Pound Soup burns more calories digesting than body 3:59 and sounded pretty tasty so after vid scrolled down see people thought and just really need share with all comment

Tumblr User Discovers "Diet Soup", Hilarity Ensues

Oh, dear.
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Boss wants employee to take breaks at certain times, so a malicious compliance ensues. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Vizslaman Only Take Breaks Tell Sure, No Problem M used work at call center where would get flooded with calls constantly. This is story busy body boss thought they understood everything since they were charge. At work were given two 15 minute breaks and one 45 minute lunch break breaks were scheduled into our day so could see they would be, but this would

Boss Demands Employee To Take Breaks When Told To, Malicious Compliance Ensues

The boss got what they asked for.
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A collection of tweets about people's worst first dates. | Anthony @AnthonyMustache 00 Replying jimmyfallon Took her Buffalo Wild Wings didn't realize she vegetarian #WorstFirstDate

People's Worst First Date Stories

Some dates just fall apart.
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Shopping network fail 14k Museum Grade Colombian Emerald Diamond Ring Buy it Now $25,000 Final Auctlon

Woman On Shopping Network's Desperate For High Bidders

An oldie but a goldie.
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TikTok video guy acting a funny house listing fail | Good evening, is this available? Yes it is

Man Acts Out House Listing Gone Wrong

Surprisingly catchy.
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Man Gives The World's Most Awkward Interview

So much cringe that it hurts.
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A collection of bizarre ads from Facebook's online marketplace. | PS2 PS3 PlayStation consoles taped together making a PS5 being sold for $500

Wacky Offerings From Facebook's Online Marketplace

Eh, going to pass on that particular PS5.
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Daughter fills her teeth for TikTok so her dad stops paying her phone bill. | AITA taking my daughter's social media away after she followed dumb trend? Not hole 42M) always considered my daughter (19F be smart and trusted her explore different things on her own without intervention (staying out late, partying, etc forced reconsider this after my latest discovery. She filed her teeth down last year following some social media trend, and without asking my wife or found out last week before

Daughter Files Teeth For TikTok, Dad Stops Paying Phone Bill

Poor dad has his hands full.
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satisfying karma video dodging a scammer

Woman Dodges Classic Car Flipper Scam By Bringing Mechanic Friend

Nice try, but not today.
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useless and loud machines that make noise for no reason

"Upstairs Neighbors Robots" Are Hilariously Terrible

They look and sound like they're dying.
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DoorDash delivery person confronts customer over tip

DoorDash Driver Confronts Customer Over $8 Tip

There's so much yikes going on.
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