spooky, weird and specific warning signs. | STOP BE AWARE OVERHEAD MOLTEN IRON | this area Are shutte and yard gates not use Ses h DOOR SAH TY NOT SAFE GO VAPMING GUTSIDE tions before use doort can move d warning AMAGED DOORs Tey can be nge ndreuirepertadvioe irning If door is not be ised TENANCE REQUIRED Reter door nameplate NOT SAFE ng he removt scured GO GSYSTS LTD. HBS1 OUTSIDE 7. High mu Warning Beware moving vehicles

Intense Warning Signs That Should Likely Be Followed

They look like they mean business.
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funny facepalm moments of people being dumb | Natalie @jbfan911 large boulder size San Miguel Sheriff @SheriffAlert Large boulder size small boulder is completely blocking east-bound lane Highway 145 mm78 at Silverpick Rd. Please use caution and watch emergency vehicles area. | Tim Hogan O @timjhogan 3h Sometimes think about guy at my poker table Vegas who kicked out after pit boss said he too drunk high bar Security came over, asked him say alphabet starting with "M" and he replied Malphabet"

Dumb Moments from The World's Precious Dullards

Where would our self-esteem be without a nice low bar?
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An influencer expects an artist to sacrifice their integrity in the name of exposure. | Hey manager messaging earlier telling were looking hand drawn portrait? yeah can start cos need this ASAP

Influencer Expects Artist To Sacrifice Integrity For Exposure

Yeah, nope.
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Bride wants her narcissistic twin sister out of the wedding. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/twindrama543 10h 2 WIBTA not have sister as maid honor after trying outshine my engagement Sorry bad formatting cell phone and throw away account So my twin and have always had this low key competition going on. She always had be center attention. While growing up just gave up and let happen easier than fighting never got have my accomplishments recognized because she would always have something everyone needed

Bride Wants Narcissistic Twin Sister Out Of Wedding

Seems like it could be understandable.
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Tech calls a customer about their internet being down, and there's a literal fire. | r/talesfromtechsupport Join u/Universal_Binary Internet link is down might be because 's on fire Short This is my all-time favorite interaction with tech support. Late one December evening number years ago got an unexpected call my boss. He said there fire at office, and might want come and see going on. So did. By time got there fire on its way out, and and couple dozen others were standing around parking

Tech Calls Customer About Internet Being Down, There's A Literal Fire

No biggie, just a fire going down.
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An epic story about an Ultima Online gamer's epic revenge. | if fallout 76 really is world where every character is real person there's no NPCS im making my civic duty be like this lowly tavern barkeep and then once established enough rapport going nuke all west virginia and will be character

Ultima Online Gamer Nukes Fellow Players Out Of Orbit

An epic modern day saga.
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Cameraman saves man during skydiving dangerous fail crazy video

Cameraman Low Key Saves Man's Life While Skydiving

A shining moment for humanity, for sure.
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comedian embarrasses singer who tries to outsmart him

Singer Tries To Outwit Professional Comedian, Fails Spectacularly

What a wipeout.
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thief steals package from porch then gets his car stuck in snow

Man Attempts To Steal Package, Gets Car Stuck In Snow

What a joke.
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A choosing beggar threatens to go and snitch on a desk seller. | Hi there wondering turn around time custom desk is need height be 700mm. Width enough fit triple 24" monitors side by side like keyboard sized area at front slanted forward ease typing/gaming 17:25 Hiya have template exact design. Around 2 weeks before can start currently 17:30

Belligerent Choosing Beggar Threatens To Snitch On Desk Seller

Oh come on with all that nonsense.
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Man insists that he knows IT better than the actual IT, and then learns otherwise. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/airzonesama Am Not Good With Comp know better than Epic r/ALL So few years back working manufacturing company as manager. Like many industries had number machines with embedded computer systems sake convenience called these "production machines because they produce stuff. By and large, these PC's are just normal desktop PC's have bunch data acquisition cards them connected PLC

Man Insists He Knows IT Better Than IT, Learns Otherwise

Had to get humbled at some point.
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A moving Tumblr thread on the power of doing good recklessly in life. | tami-taylors-hair line at Aldi and this girl with two toddlers front had her card declined and she looked so fucking sad and said "let call my husband real quick" and only 18 dollars, so just paid and she very sweet and then as she walked off lady behind said know probably scam, right and like, even if like sad fucking scam, right? 18 dollars at Aldi. If scamming some Tyson chicken and apple juice and cauliflower, then just

Tumblr Thread: The Profound Power Of Doing Good Recklessly

Just be good to one another.
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Daughter neglects her teeth, and then the mom refuses to pay for the dental care. | AITA refusing pay my daughter's dental procedures? Not hole My daughter is 24 years old her entire life, she has neglected her teeth. Her dental hygiene is nonexistent, she would refuse brush or floss her teeth at all, wouldn't even use mouthwash. My first thought she may be suffering depression or some sort mental health issue, so immediately took her professionals. However, even after years doctors, therapists,

Daughter Neglects Teeth, Mom Won't Pay For Dental Care

Gotta take care of those teeth.
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Sister keeps making inappropriate jokes, so she gets uninvited from the wedding. | AITA uninviting my sister my wedding she told my fiancèe? My M27 fiancèe F25 has an obvious permanent burnscar an accident caused her mother (her only parent pass away injury. My fiancèe had long recovery 's been 7 years scar is on her collarbone goes down her chest but isn't showing. Unless she's wearing scoop/square tops. She often wears hoodies/jackets cover up. She puts this cream don't know ladies call but

Sister Gets Uninvited From Wedding For Inappropriate Comments

Sister sounds like an absolute peach.
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People share their most invaluable mental health tips. | a_snails_pace Never evaluate life tired. This is so true. Ever notice things seem much worse at night worries seem at their worst next morning brain can think ways fix them and most times they aren't there next day. Edit: My mother told this once and l've never forgotten

AskReddit Thread: People's Most Invaluable Mental Health Tips

Might as well take these on this strange life trip.
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Men who married bridezillas describe what happened after their weddings. | LurkersGoneLurk 1h 3 1 Award Divorcasaurus Ex.

Men Who Married Bridezillas Share Their Post-Wedding Stories

Nothing good.
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