Karen wants cart, customer won't give it up | Posted by u/happymancry 21 hours ago 2 2 15 2 11 e11 S 12 E 10 9 3 Grocery store Karen needs cart wiped down NOW! L Ever since COVID been really careful going grocery store mask, gloves, full length clothing works. Back April-May our local QFC used have workers spray and wipe down carts; but after few months they stopped, and now there are self- serve wipes available all customers disinfect their cart if they want. Well, apparently some people didn't

Karen Demands Fellow Customer's Cart, They Don't Back Down

It's a personal victory.
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Most ridiculous things that kids asked of mall santas | i_live_in_a_truck 1d 1 Award 6 years old want be happy

Mall Santas' Most Ridiculous Requests From Kids

Got to be a true believer.
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Irishman funny recorded message playing at funeral

Irish Man Leaves Funny Recording For His Funeral

What a legend.
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news anchor reporter tells funny joke to Dalai Lama

News Anchor Shares Joke With Dalai Lama, Infinite Laughter Ensues

When in doubt, just laugh.
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man pitches pyramid scheme on dragon's den tv fail cringe

Pyramid Scheme Gets Pitched On Dragon's Den

Sweating bullets.
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Woman shows up to pay deposit the day before her actual wedding. | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk Join u/leamornor 1y Women turns up pay her wedding don't have diary. Her wedding is tomorrow. Medium large part my job is answering phones and dealing with people who want hire our large function room our town our room is one very few places available hold wedding receptions, birthday parties etc.

Woman Shows Up To Pay Deposit Day Before Wedding

Not the way to plan out a wedding.
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impressive things people made that are still weird and bad | pink toilet built inside a matching armchair | bedazzled creepy clown ornament

Skillful Creations of Dubious Taste

Great job, but why?
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discoveries of people who hired private investigators | catfarts99 15.5k points 1 day ago S E3 had girlfriend worked one while. She said majority their work insurance scams. She took lot pictures guys who said they were hurt on job playing golf and surfing and such.

People Who Hired Private Investigators Share Their Discoveries

Sometimes it's time to hire a dude to sit in a car for 14 hours.
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A wallet thief ends up getting busted by a clever glitter trap | r/pettyrevenge Join u/Scarlet-absol13 17h 1 1 3 7 3 8 Steal My Wallet? Enjoy getting caught literally red-handed and losing job work at supermarket and while few years back, stuff would get stolen out people's bags break room mostly cash, phone chargers, headphones, little things like did have little lockers break room but they're maybe 30 cm by 30 cm (1 ft by 1 ft) and too small hold anything larger than medium sized purse so if

Wallet Thief Gets Busted By Glitter Trap

The nerve on this one.
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A collection of the year's most entitled bridezillas | KAREN Big wedding announcement noticed lot who have RSVP'd have not sent gift or signed up my registry s pathetic and sad after all l've given others at their weddings. Don't even show up without gift spent my life savings on this wedding and 's disrespectful AF not give gift have one week send gift or l'm taking off Guest list. If need my address PM

Most Entitled Bridezillas Of 2020

Hopefully next year is better.
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A flight attendant describes her most memorable moments. | filmnoirsbian Follow honor approaching my first 6 months mark as flight attendant, here are some highlights my time this job lady stopped gently whisper had "mastered art kindness an elderly woman told put on earth be flight attendant" Each and every time someone complimented my nails

Tumblr Post: A Flight Attendant's Wildest Stories

So many nice moments.
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Bodybuilders try to break an egg fail video

Bodybuilders Try Impossible Egg Challenge, Fails Ensue

Maybe those muscles are all for show.
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ice cream taste tester finds the ultimate flavor

Ice Cream Taste Tester Finds A 10

What a gig.
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two men stuck in a car with a flood going around them

Dudes Stuck In Car Caught In Crazy Flood

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woman confronts cheating friend and boyfriend

Girl Confronts Friend For Cheating With Her Boyfriend

Full deer in the headlights mode.
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Karen goes crazy on Tattoo shop owner story | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by u/Complex_River 7 46 S11 5 20 hours ago Karen goes tattoo shop XXXXL Maybe 10 years ago owned tattoo shop located next door (same strip mall piercing shop had gone next door watch lobby piercer while they ran and grabbed some change. So karen walks and get why she thinks work there sitting behind counter K here last week and fucked up my piercing. Its infected now and need fix dont work here just

Tattoo Artist Deals With Totally Feral Karen

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