funny pictures and stories of kids being stupid and strange | Brian Wecht @bwecht Audrey 6yo Daddy! Did know after Michael left my school, he came back and now people call him David Does he look and sound totally different too? Audrey: Yes s not same kid, honey. Audrey long pause Maybe | pineapplefiendwillriseagain: This is my little baby cousin and he is dressed as smoke detector Halloween None us know why but he is really obsessed with smoke detectors 's all he's asked way presents these past

Moments that Confirm That Kids Are Weird and Dumb

They're not very savvy people.
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Video of Space X Starship Landing

Long View of Space X "Landing" Is Sci-fi-ish

It's like watching a building fall from the sky.
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funny history memes | Wisdom Teeth 50,000 BC have extra teeth so can chew through dead animal skin and tree bark wisdom teeth Modern My jaw hurts, need 2000 surgery swole doge vs cheems | going back Middle Ages teach them science TM Later earlier Yeah already Earth isn't know flat

History Memes for the Knowledge Seekers

Knowing history makes someone smart, right?
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Girlfriend gets fed up with boyfriend's incessant gaming | AITA telling my BF if he doesnt go work, hes no longer using ANYTHING mine (including my car AND wifi Not hole 28f/29m been together like 4 years think love this guy death but say he is lazy is seriously huge fucking understatement and doesnt even shed an ounce light on actual problem. Hes also gaming junkie-like worst their kind example game is being released, he waits up until midnight purchase game (no matter expensive) and will binge

Girlfriend Gets Fed Up With Boyfriend's Gaming, Cuts Him Off

Homeboy's gotta get a job.
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A bully snowplow ends up picking a fight with the wrong mailbox | Let's see little punks smash my letterbox now aerylon Folgen This reminds this guy who used live on my dad's street. Every time snowed snow plow would take out his mailbox and only his mail box. And just be clear done intentionally. No one knows why, but driver snow plow would target his box and mow down. He'd call DOT complain, and would get an earful excuses amounted not our fault have wimpy mailbox.

Bully Snowplow Picks Fight With Wrong Mailbox

Should've been a nice snowplow.
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unexpected sociopaths evil characters in movies your brain on cracked santa clause elf x-men bruce almighty

4 Secret Sociopaths Hiding In Your Favorite Movies

Hiding in plain sight.
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tumblr user gets strange debt letter | cherryseltzer just got super predatory debt collection letter 113 debt citizens bank, who had an account with 16 (20 years ago letter appeared be an offer cancel debt if paid them $22.75. HOWEVER actual wording is amount debt is $113.77 and will accept $22.75 so, no MENTION canceling debt, but implication is there because many collectors current debt offer settle percentage.

Tumblr User's Weird Debt Notice Is Scary Money Lesson

Always read the whole letter.
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A quick Tumblr post celebrates people's inner nerd tendencies. | fandomsandfeminism My favorite thing is listening people go into extreme detail about some micro- aspect some hobby they love know nothing about. My mother law loves bird watching other day she told about birder world is ROCKED with controversy about new Audubon society bird naming conventions, particularly their new guidelines on hyphenation.

Tumblr Post Celebrates People's Inner Nerd

Nerd out with pride.
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popular trends that went away | Emotional-Fruit 18.9k points 2 days ago Cup stacking all about? AllUrFail 7.1k points 2 days ago Holy shit forgot about Our school made us do cup stacking gym few weeks.

Huge Trends No One Talks About Anymore

So many Livestrong bracelets.
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funny creative and dumb puns | This is cheapest boat will ever find. Its under four bucks. deer sitting in a stranded boat in the middle of a forest | nearly didn't post this case people thought fence sieve strainer hanging by a gate

Puns Ranging from Sublime to Some Slime

Puns are always a mixed bag.
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Employee proves that museum's security needs to be revamped | So my boss once robbed museum prove point and honestly think she is my new role model. flamefriendsshipped If this gets notes l'll tell full story fandomlovingweirdo

Employee Points Out Security Concern, Nobody Listens, Robbery Ensues

Simple as that.
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A quick Tumblr post about a kind and understanding truck stop manager. | writterings whenever young kid joins our staff at work im just like huh. guess im father now. 2 writterings these kids will be like “can drive home don't have gas money but and im already pullin out my keys and am like. sweetheart are child am not charging child gas money.

Quick Tumblr Post On Heroic Truck Stop Manager

Now that's a great manager.
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funny "not my job" failure moments | grey shorts with long sleeves sewn in instead of pockets | street light drilled through a bridge built overhead

"Not My Job" Moments of Unimpressive Professionalism

Yeah, close enough.
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A collection of annoyingly unrealistic movie logic moments | tahonng 3h 1 Award way gifts are wrapped. They're always boxes with actual lids (like shoe boxes, not ones with flaps) and lid is wrapped separately box so open present, they just lift lid. Also, if there's ribbon wrapped around ribbon's not taped on and slides right off. Has anyone ever done this real life

Annoyingly Unrealistic Movie Logic Moments

The phone call that goes right into an intense convo.
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A clever graphic designer decides to troll a prospective client. | Hi, is this person looking graphic designer? Yes! Wow quick just put ad up 30 minutes ago. Well this biz early bird gets worm. Can tell little bit about project? Sure need logo an Italian restaurant my husband and are opening called Tomato Tomato s probably easier if can talk on phone, mind if give ring s no good at my current design job and would be taking this on as freelance job, so can't talk about other projects on company

Graphic Designer Trolls Prospective Client

That client's got a real dirty mind.
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A collection of 2020's funniest and cheesiest Tinder moments. | Today 09:04 convinced swipe right, Katie? Today 09:50 Desperation ?

2020's Funniest And Cheesiest Tinder Moments

This year gave us a lot to work with.
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