A collection of images showing various husbands sleeping, while their wives shop during the holidays | row of men sitting among displays of shoes and bags. man yawning while leaning against a display table at a clothing store

Sleepy Husbands Not Feeling The Holiday Shopping

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Weird things children asked mall and store Santas to get them for Christmas | After waiting two hours line my daughter asked Santa hot dog.

Weird Things Kids Asked Mall Santas for Christmas

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Satidfying images of things fitting into other things | wall of packages in cardboard boxes perfectly stacked together. shadow of a square pole hitting perfectly inside the corner of a tile

Things That Fit Perfectly

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Guy tries to call his parents by using an Alexa, and they end up thinking that it's haunted | LakazL TIFU by making my parents think Alexa haunted So late last night (3AM got up make late- night snack, accidentally smashed jamjar, and whilst would have cleaned up family dog got scent all jam and wanted lick up, smashed glass and all

Guy Calls Parents On Alexa, They Think It's Haunted

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A collection of Twitter replies to people sharing their ugly Christmas sweaters. Christmas sweater made of colorful wigs with the wording hairy Christmas written across the back

Ugly Christmas Sweaters That Are Total Winners

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Parent's tradition with kids and Santa Claus is painfully wholesome. | our family have special way transitioning kids receiving Santa becoming Santa. This way Santa construct is not lie gets discovered, but an unfolding series good deeds and Christmas spirit they are 6 or 7, whenever see dawning suspicion Santa may not be material being means child is ready take them out coffee" at local wherever get booth, order our drinks, and following pronouncement is made sure have grown an awful lot this

Family's Christmas Ritual Keeps Spirit Of Santa Alive

More gifts for everyone else.
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Guy lies about being a marine and then gets catfished back by the person he texted | Hey are Sorry who is this 's Justin Justin marine met awhile back Sorry can send picture or something ?1 really don't remember

Guy Lies About Being Marine, Gets Catfished Back

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Tumblr user shares all the crazy happenings of their first day at Target |  Things Happened On My First Day At Target -Sold lingerie an eighty year old woman -Got free salted caramel frappacino suspectedly gay barista, Parker -Sold bra mom sixteen year old girl who cringing entire time

Target Employee Details His First Crazy Week Of Work

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An informative Tumblr thread about the legend of Sesame Street's forbidden Crack Monster. | wizardOrb Follow thinking about an anonymous group (WHO DOESN'T SEEM BE AFFILIATED W/ SESAME STREET found out where jon armond Ilived and made him swear he wouldn't show anyone cracks before they gave him wizardOrb Follow

Tumblr Thread: Sesame Street's Forbidden, Nightmarish Crack Monster

What even is life anymore.
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Chipotle educates a vegetarian who thinks that chorizo isn't meat, on Twitter | been vegetarian since age 12 just had chorizo and 's so good! Texture and flavor is exactly like real meat! ChipotleTweets Do mean Sofritas? Chorizo is meat Becky

Chipotle Educates Vegetarian On Twitter

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imperfect and frustrating images | hand rail of a staircase cutting through a wall | individual pears sold inside plastic boxes

Imperfect and Frustrating Things To Boil Perfectionist Blood

Nothing is perfect, and that has to be corrected.
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A hilariously petty neighbor war with Karen over a Christmas decoration. | Follow Saga Battle Frank and neighborhood Karen! So one my neighbors left an note informing my gargoyle statue is "not appropriate" and "not keeping with Christmas spirit They firmly suggested rectify situation immediately Well problem solved! Frank is now festive pretty sure this is not they had mind and look forward future note stating as much, but 1. Frank is very heavy and he doesn't get moved and 2 like him even if

Hilarious Saga Of Karen Vs. Frank The Christmas Gargoyle

This'll get the holiday spirit going.
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A Tumblr thread on how surprising it is that court reporters are able to keep a straight face | Do Court Reporters Keep Straight Faces? These are book called Disorder Courts and are things people actually said court, word word, taken down and published by court reporters had torment staying calm while exchanges were taking place. ATTORNEY first thing husband said morning? WITNESS: He said Where am Cathy ATTORNEY: And why did upset WITNESS: My name is Susan! ATTORNEY gear were at moment impact?

Tumblr Thread On Ridiculous Overheards During Court Proceedings

It's a miracle that court reporters are able to keep a straight face.
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Lowballer tells seller they don't know who Stan Lee is | Hey is this guy selling signed comic? Yeah got only one selling at moment is up 800. But if do direct could maybe knock $100 off. Are based nearby? Wut expect pay $700 Just cos 's signed by some dude? Um yeah do s an X-Men comic 70s 's signed by Stan Lee and Chris Claremont. They aren't just some dude. And 's about pay US Dollars one

Lowballer Says They Don't Know Who Stan Lee Is

Nice try, dude.
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Design fail makes guy's game have a huge number of dislikes | SteroidsOnAsteroid TIFU by making my webgame one most disliked Russia M Obligatory didn't happen today, however realized my idiocy today am small game developer part-time also have regular job Since more than 1 year have been working alone on puzzle-platformer been thinking 2 years.

Design Fail Gives Guy's Game Crazy Amounts of Dislikes

The smallest mistakes can have big consequences.
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amish skiing, An Amish guy skis from a horsedrawn carriage.

Amish Guy Skiing From a Horse Drawn Carriage

Literal horsepower.
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