server servers lemons server life restaurant server karens drinking water waiter karen-customer karens in the wild karen story karen - 37293061

'I stood up for myself, and I won': Restaurant server tells entitled customer their honest opinion of her drink request, stuns customer

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor hoa members hoa stories hoa scandal homeownership landowner

Homeowner finds a "well loophole" allowing them to leave their HOA by connection to municipal water: 'We rallied 44 people on our street'

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies

'Maybe he could fix... his attitude': Hotel maintenance worker scolds coworker for making a mistake while he was out, coworker maliciously complies

Selfish brother thinks he's entitled to all of his sister's time despite babysitting his children at no cost for years, decides to put her foot down and win in the end

Family is split after woman refuses to babysit for selfish brother after giving him three years of free childcare, decides to puts her studies and free time first: ‘I stood my ground’

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Shoplifting Karen tries to buy employee's bag and claim it as her own: '[Karen] doubles down on her particular form of insanity'

Entitle coworker steals woman's lunch everyday and expects her to be okay with it, so the woman reports her to HR and is awaiting a hard reprimand

‘She was an entitled thief’: Coworker steals woman's lunch everyday & has the audacity to leave her thank you notes, then asks her to share when it's not in the usual spot

work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee coworkers coworker terrible coworkers Fired getting fired

Employees expose their "deadweight" coworker making it impossible for their boss not to fire him: 'It is impressive how much it takes to get fired for some people'

 boss printing workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance print bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit Office workplace malicious compliance reddit Website printer printers

Update: 'I used up every sheet of paper in our 14-story building': Writer agrees to "print out the internet" at entitled boss's request

ok boomer maintenance drama job revenge work millennials tenant petty generations landscape baby boomers entitled entitled people - 37286405

'That's what's wrong with your generation, you have no work ethic': Boomer insults millennial not realizing he owns his apartment building, gets told his lease won’t be renewed

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

‘I took the opportunity’: Guy wronged by entitled guy standing in front of him in line for the porta-potties gets ultimate revenge using a zip-tie

'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

'They are requiring that I pay them back about $4500': Former boss forgot to stop paying employee, HR requires ex-employee to pay them back

Incompetent employee gets what he deserves when he's booted from his company for slacking off, coworkers get back at him by simply doing their jobs

‘Enough was enough’: Long-time ‘deadweight employee’ is finally exposed after he takes a vacation and his team's efficiency skyrockets, is booted from the company as a result