boulder wtf hot Natural Disasters rock lava - 107537409

La Palma Eruption Footage Shows Big Scary Floating Boulders

It's like an iceberg made of rock. A rockberg?
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the Beatles Simon Pegg impression interesting lol funny - 107537153

Simon Pegg Does 4 Beatles Impressions In 12 Seconds

Yep, that's them alright.
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ask reddit scammer scam - 15515909

People Share the Scams That Are So Normalized We Don’t Even Notice They’re There

These scams are just every-day events to us now.
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twitter reacts food in binders lady

Twitter Responds To Lady Whose Fridge Is A Food Library

Please don't be real please don't be real.
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marriage relationships parenting wedding - 15515141

Delusional Husband Insists His Wife Should Stay Home With the Kids So He Can Attend HER Brother’s Wedding

This guy is so off-based when he insists his wife stays home with the kids so that he can attend her brother's wedding.
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absolute units and wtf big things

Absolute Units Too Large For This Earth

The presence.
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neighbors parenting entitled - 15510277

Neighbor Karen Insists Her Kids Have Unsupervised Access to Woman’s Pool

Neighbor lady is mad I won't let her kids use my pool unsupervised.
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funny things people believed as kids

Ridiculous And Dumb Things People Believed As Kids

Hey, we learned eventually.
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marriage relationships chores - 15489029

Wife Takes A Stand and Refuses to Do All the Work Around the House, Unappreciative Husband is Stunned

Woman stops doing chores around the house to teach husband a lesson in appreciation.
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entitled people and their behavior

Entitled People Who Need A Reality Check

Hot dang.
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ask reddit, confused

In Collective Bewilderment, People Share the Things That Make Absolutely No Sense to Them

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funny tweets

Funny Tweets To Bring Strength And Fortitude

Twitter engaged.
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halloween costumes halloween teenagers trick or treat relationships parenting - 15510021

Parent Tells Their Teen They Are Too Old to Trick or Treat, Gets Soundly Corrected on the Subject By the Internet

AITA for not letting 16y/o daughter Trick or Treat?
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A tenant puts a divider on their balcony, and then the talkative neighbors proceed to take great offense.

Tenant Puts Divider On Balcony, Talkative Neighbors Take Offense

Those neighbors need to cool it.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People and Their Ceaseless Antics

It never ends.
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A restaurant messes up a woman's meal twice, so she sends it back both times, then her friends guilt trip her.

Restaurant Messes Up Woman's Meal Twice, She Sends It Back, Gets Guilt Tripped

She wasn't left with any other choice.
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